Sunday, September 26, 2010

Password Protected

Does everybody know Xanthe's username and password for computer lab by now?  Do we all have it memorized?  If not, it's written on both of her hands every day, just in case she forgets the paper that's in her backpack that has the numbers on it.  Xanthe's school personality is so funny!  Her teacher, trying to teach the kids to log on themselves, wouldn't help Xanthe do it, and told her to practice at home with her mom.  She got so worked up about logging onto the computer that she said she "wouldn't go if it's 'puter day."  Right.  Scott has a better chance of being the next Oprah than Xanthe does of staying home from school.  It's not happening on my watch.  I need my quiet time!  So I wrote the username and password on Xanthe's hand.  She said, "Now write it on the other hand in case I forget which hand it's on."

Even though 'puter day is only on Thursday, Xanthe won't go to school without the numbers written on both of her hands EVERY day.  Just in case.  And who am I to put a stop to such a funny idiosyncrasy?  Thursday, she came in the door singing, "I did it!  I got on Curious George!  I typed in the numbers!"  All that for Curious George?  Gotta love kindergarten.


Lexie said...

I know how she feels. I had my locker combination written on my wrist the first week of school!

Anonymous said...

I love Xanthe. I love her perserverance and her passion. If it means writing numbers on both hands every day to help her feel secure that sounds like a great option.

Jennie said...

She cracks me up. This is going to be an exciting year, for sure!

Michelle said...

Love that kid!

Kristi said...

Oh, that girl. She is a delight! Her little idiosyncries are just too cute. I love that you cherish those things about her. :)