Saturday, January 15, 2011

Anti-Inversion Tools

Help! Help! I can't see the sky! I remember being in Minnesota in April one time, and my teeth hurt from the cold every time I opened my mouth outside. It was eight degrees Fahrenheit, and that was in April. And I lived through four Midwestern winters, so I know that it's technically not that cold here when it's 28 degrees, but it sure feels cold when the ice won't melt and the sky is a solid sheet of white.  Here are some of my Anti-Inversion Tools:
 My beautiful salad, like everything in my life right now, is about being in denial that it's winter.  Looking at those fruits and veggies, can't you almost feel the Miami heat?  (If you're actually in Miami, Tricia and everyone :), don't answer that!)
 Dogs in tutus.  Who cares if we're living inside of a dirty sock if you can get a cute little canine to wear a tutu?  What kind of a monster ARE you if that doesn't make you chuckle.  (Trajan?)
Planning.  I've been organizing for Ruby Academy, and I am loving it!  I thought my life couldn't be parsed into smaller blocks of time, but now it is, and I am so excited to be embarking on this thing with Ruby.  Mostly, it's just fun using the Sharpies, but I have other educational ideas, too.  Don't worry!
Because it just happens to be All About Ruby this month, here is a sneak peek at her newly Coconized room.  Ruby spent a solid week organizing her closet and bedroom.  It looked good until Coco swooped in with her expert eye and made it wonderful!  I know Ruby wants to post pictures on her blog, so I won't steal the limelight.  Just a little lamplight.  Isn't it darling?

I guess I do have quite an arsenal of Anti-Inversion Tools.  And I didn't even mention taking Freestone to see a Muggle Quidditch match.  Talk about funny!  It was a fundraiser at the high school for Haitian Roots, and I thought Free would love it.  He's reading the first Harry Potter book and keeps telling me all about Quidditch.  Muggle Quidditch is an actual game that people really play.  It's sortof a cross between basketball, volleyball and dodgeball, and all the players hold a broomstick between their legs.  Free was far more interested in explaining all the various rules and plays of Quidditch to me than watching the game.  He did love the Snitch, though.  He speculated for days about how they were going to work the Snitch.  He decided that it was going to be a remote control snitch, along the lines of a remote control helicopter, and he was excited.  The Snitch turned out to be a high school boy in a bright yellow shirt who would run onto the court or through the crowd or along the balcony, prompting the chasers to chase him.  Just as I was asking myself how long a Muggle Quidditch match could be, the Snitch was tackled by both of the seekers, and the game ended.  Right in time, too, since Ptolemy had sliced his finger getting it caught in the bleacher and Yogo Togo was waiting.  Immersed in Freestone's imaginary world, I hardly had a chance to notice the cold or the color of the sky.  Where we were, it was blue skies and flying Nimbus 2000's all the way.


Nate said...

I love your anti-inversion salad, tutu dog and room! The muggle Quiddich match sounds fun to watch!
But is it SPRING yet?

Lisa and Tate said...

B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L salad! Yummmm! The dog is too funny.

Michelle said...

I think you are fighting a good fight there! Love the tutued dog!

Trajan said...

People shouldn't dress dogs or monkeys in human clothes. Not because it's inhumane, but because it's stupid.

laurel said...

Those blackberries looks yummy!!!!!!

Kristi said...

Anti-inversion tools are always a good idea.

ps. I want that salad. YUM!