Friday, February 24, 2017

Sleeping Beauty

Freestone was assigned a part in Sleeping Beauty.  It's been fun for him.  The other kid his height was injured, so Freestone has been in both casts, so pretty much every night in February and 6 or 7 matinees, plus his six days a week of class at BW and Clytie's.  The kid loves ballet.  I love the culture at BW.  His teachers are great, they push him, and they genuinely like the kids.  They want them to succeed, and they're very protective of them.  The parents that I've met are friendly.  The other boys are fun.  Several parents that I've talked to have said something like, "Oh, is your son the one with the amazing feet?"  Yes, he gets a lot of attention for that.  His flexibility, on the other hand, is a constant battle.  He's learning a lot, though, and getting stronger.  He even got a full scholarship to the BW summer intensive, before we even applied for it.  Thank heavens!  I wondered where we were going to come up with $2600 for that.  He will have such a good experience.  It will be a working summer for us, unlike last summer when we dozed off for six weeks.  I'm ready.
We have seen the productions a few times. :)

Ptolemy in these pictures is hilarious.

Those make up remover wipes are pretty weak.

They're beautiful, aren't they?

My dad's face had this weird light thing on it in every picture.  I guess his halo slipped.

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