Saturday, May 20, 2017

Spring Show

 Just look at this sweet little dance and what she turned into. Ruby has been devoted to dance since she was three. At that time, she was too young for Clytie's, so I enrolled her in a to class where they had a snack in between classes. She loved it. Fast-forward 14 years, and she's in the Company class at Clytie's and president of Davis High Dance Company. 14 years of dedication right there.
 Coco and Bill left for Paris right before Dance Company spring show. Darn! They had a great trip.

 Dress rehearsal, I took pics. Ruby is so graceful, and her movements are so unique to Ruby. I love watching her dance.

 President Ruby after the show.

 Story of my life: going to Pat's for new ballet shoes. They keep customers on file, but we have so many kids, I have to make sure I'm getting the right shoes. I got home last week with a new pair of boys' shoes a half size bigger than last time, but the girl had looked up Freestone instead of Ptolemy. Oops! Freestone doesn't need bigger shoes.
 Ruby wrote her bio back when she was planning on nannying for Heidi and Pierre. Plans have changed, but I still think it's a good bio!

 We have the best fans. I guess this was Ruby's biggest night in terms of her lifetime achievement so far, at least in dance. It felt monumental, and I'm glad we could share it with our people.

 Kim and the presidency
 Dance Company 2017
The seniors. I try not to think about how many hours these precious gilrs have spent together. Most of them this age have been in ballet together from the beginning. I found a roll from one of my ballet classes with three of their names side by side: Ruby Dopp, Kara Frasier and Abbi Wagstaff. They grew up together in the carpools and in the dressing rooms and on the Marley floors. It's sad it all has to come to an end, but if it didn't, there would be no new adventures. I love Ruby's dance friends. I feel like they're mine in some way, and I'm grateful to them for being the girls who are always there for Ruby. And guys. Conner Erickson came back for this performance and danced a piece he's done at Weber. He has grown so much as a dancer, but more importantly, he has always been a friend that Golda and Ruby could rely on. Dancing together just opens you up for a deeper kind of relationship. I still remember the tiniest details about my ballet friends growing up, and I love them to this day. I'm sure Ruby will have the same feelings about her Dance Company girls (and Conner and Gabe).

I commend Ruby for her job as president. She took on the role with her whole self and devoted her senior year to it. I'm proud of her.

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