Driving down my street today, I saw the garbage man get out of his truck and bring the cans in to the garage at the house on the corner. I know that's not in his job description. It's the house where an old lady lives with her shiftless grandsons and a host of their teenage friends. She is always struggling to maintain her yard all by herself, and maybe the garbage man knows that. I stopped and shouted to the garbage man that he deserves a bonus for being so nice. Opening his mouth in a smile that revealed quite a dearth of teeth, he replied, "I don't ever see no bonus." Well, I wish he did. His kindness brought tears to my eyes which I was still wiping away when I saw Pam up the street bringing in the garbage cans of her next-door neighbor. I caused quite an eye-rolling among the kids in the car when I started bawling about the kindness of our neighbors, but it was inspiring! I bet a hundred good deeds went quietly unnoticed today, just on my street. It made me want to go out and just do something nice for someone, to follow the example of our garbage man. He and Pam inspired me today. I live among giants. Thanks, neighbors!
that is seriously sweet. Maybe you should give him a bonus!
Aaah Circ, you make us all smile with your posts! Count that as your good deed!
I love your discriptoin of the garbage man. Kudos to him for even NOTICING that your neighbor needed some help! Thanks for sharing!
I agree! This is the first neighborhood I have lived in where our neighbors have a contest who can get our can in first. In fact, I just never pull it in because they always beat me to the punch! The ironic thing is, all my neighbors are over 60....so we should be pulling their garbage cans in! I love, love, love our neighbors.
That's a nice post Circe....our neighbors (the Merrill's) emptied out a garbage can for us to use because our can was too stuffed. Good neighbors are great!
Wow! That is so nice. It's nice to know that good people still exist, because sometimes it seems like they don't.
Hey, Motherboard told me about you and your amazing skills on the violin. I've been thinking of starting my 4 yr old boy. I played when I was little, but have forgotten pretty much everything. I have an oly 1/8 size violin, but it needs new strings.
Are you taking new students?
You can email me at shershep316@yahoo.com
What a great post. You are right..there are so many acts of kindness that go unnoticed around us. It is good to focus on them instead of the bad. I like your garbage man!
That kind of stuff always gets me.. we can bawl together. :)
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