Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Magic Anyway

 Sunday, the King family celebrated Golda's birthday with grilled peaches and this juicy meat.  Scott and I were concerned about Golda's birthday the next day, because last year was so major.  The girls were in New York with Scott for Golda's 16th birthday, ready to embark on their Europe adventure.  This year, some of Golda's friends were at camp, and she didn't have any plans for her 17th.  In fact, she was in a funk about turning 17.  Sixteen is so magical, and 17 just isn't.

We thought about sending her to San Francisco with Ruby, but the cost quickly added up, and we were disappointed that her birthday wasn't going to be as magical as last year.  Remember, last year was when Scott had his breakdown after New York, because it had been everything he dreamed fatherhood would be, and it was over.

 The stars must have been aligned, because despite grand plans, or any plans at all, Golda's 17th birthday was another one of those magic moments.  Scott and I took her to lunch at Park Stone, and then Scott, who had cleared his calendar, took her to Park City.
 (The morning had been spent in "Frozen Camp," Golda and a dozen kids, dancing and crafting.)

Wandering up and down Park City's famous Main Street, Scott and Golda went into a jewelry store.  This ring, Golda's birthstone, spoke to Scott.  It has three corners, representing the Trinity, and the amethyst is traditionally thought to have "protective powers."  It seemed like the perfect moment in time for a father to give his daughter a special ring.  Scott told me, "I thought I should be the one to give her a nice ring, before THE ring."  THE ring is probably a long way off, but the fact remains that this girl will soon be an adult.  She was in love with the ring, and Scott was so glad he didn't let that moment get away.
 She also wanted a book, which they found in a little bookstore and had gift wrapped.
 Dinner at Grappa!

 Golda's friends, Evyn and Tori, left a treat on the door.  Thanks, guys!
Truffle dessert!
 Overnight at The Ranch.
So Golda didn't jet off to an exciting location.  She didn't get a car.  She didn't have a big birthday bash.  She doesn't need all that.  She has a dad who can make magic out of nothing.

He always did want to be a magician.


The homestead said...

Scott is an incredible dad! I love the ring story. What a great gift.

sws said...

I love how much Scott loves fatherhood - and I'm so glad we get to share via your blog. It's inspiring. You are wonderful parents and Golda is beautiful inside and out.