Thursday, June 26, 2014

Mini Man

Freestone got a call the other day.
"Hi...OK...Yes...What time?...OK.  See you then."
Then there was me, standing in the background questioning Free with my shoulders.  I asked him when he got off the phone, "Where are you going at 11:30?"
The epitome of the word "nonchalant," he replied, "I'm meeting Lindsay at Cherry Hill."

Oh.  OK.  So my 11 year old has a date with a girl.  In a swimsuit.  I was so nonplussed, I actually dropped him off at Cherry Hill at the designated time, and watched him walk away with a certain spring in his step usually employed by much older, ahem, "men."  Friends who witnessed Freestone meeting up with his prepubescent flame reported extreme awkwardness.  I mean, it's still 5 years before he can officially date!  (And besides this whole Cherry Hill thing, he just received an invitation to a girl's late-night birthday party at a cabin in the mountains!  Ironically, if he were older, I'd be worried!)

Hours after the 11:30 start time of the "date," when I lured the kids to my Cherry Hill spot with cookies and cherries, it was simply two "Whovians" talking about Dr. Who.  They were actually quite comfortable hanging out.  The rest of us, however, had to groan at their nerdy topics of conversation.  That said, Lindsay is absolutely darling.  She has been the lone female in a cadre of "nerds" in Freestone's class, and I absolutely have to respect her for that!  Smart girls rule!

Freestone has been coming into his own lately and I must say, I like the direction he's going.  Somehow, he is becoming a delightfully unique product of his environment, taking the examples and tools available to him and fabricating a Freestoneized world.  His current interests are all forms of dance and all forms of video games.  He can also extemporize ad nauseum about rocks, evolution vs. creationism, the back stories of various superheroes, and the definition of quantum physics, and can perform elaborate off-the-cuff skits about hypothetical events such as what would happen if two fictional characters picked up a pizza and it was bigger than their car.

After Scott took Free into a high-end suit store, essentially dooming him to expensive taste for life, the wheels in his head started turning extra fast.  The suits at Beckett and Robb are so pricey that Scott told Freestone it would be cheaper to fly to Hong Kong and order a hand-tailored suit than to buy one in Farmington.  Later that day, Freestone was searching for places to stay in Hong Kong.  Actually, what he was trying to do was find a flight.  He thought it was exceedingly dumb that a website for lodging would have the word "air" in it.  I explained that it is a reference to an air mattress.  These are lessons one must learn if one is planning a suit-buying trip halfway across the world at age 11.  I wonder if he was planning on inviting any girls.

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