Monday, December 7, 2015

Thanksgiving in Kaysville

Jim's Ding Dongs, which stole the show!
Ruby, the host.  She spent two days shopping, planning and cooking.  I'm sure she did a better job than I would have!
Nana was dead set on staying home for Thanksgiving, but Jim convinced her to come, and I'm so glad.

Bill's bird
Our ovens are still broken, and there's no indication that we'll ever replace them.  Ruby cooked everything stove top or in crock pots.
The new Dollar Tree in Kaysville!
Uncle Jim's dessert table!

The kids made the table look elegant.
Every day of our trip, each kid would get to open one small present I had left.  But only after they did their practicing and listening, did their assigned chore and cleaned their room.  Ptolemy later complained that Ruby hadn't let him play video games or watch YouTube videos the whole time.  She's such a good mom!  It will be a long time before she has as much responsibility in her adult life as she does now.  Adulthood will be so easy!  No high school homework and no kids to least not for awhile.


Catherine said...

Way to go Ruby! Absolutely beautiful!!

Catherine said...

Hey Circe, email still not going through. I might have an old address. It's trying to go to