Friday, June 2, 2017

Moving the Store

My blog has really gone down hill. I miss writing! But now I'm doing this. Not enough creative energy to go around. The music store moved at the end of April. My generous friend Jenny Lindberg made 250 cupcakes for the opening of the new location. They were adorable and delicious! I loved that she would do that for me, and loved even more having those darling confections to give to my customers.
Scott said, "Let's go do yard work." Ptoelmy said, "Art work!?! Let me get all my supplies!"

I had lots of helpers.

More of Ptolemy's art.

I miss being next door to BC Chicken and their gyros and falafels.
What colors should I use?

Bruce's shiplap and my grandparents' old cabinet that I love.
A moment of rest
The poster I have on my cabinet
The picture of my grandpa, Opa, as a dapper young violinist.
While Evyn was working for me, he did some deconstruction of the old store.

I had to take pictures to remember where everything went.
The Davis High Band's Moonlight Serenade gave me an opportunity to donate a basket of stuff. Scott donated a trust worth $800. It was a fun week. Ruby and Dance Company performed in all 4 shows, so we sneaked in to watch every night.

The movers were great. Slow, but great. The Friday night prior to the big Saturday morning, my friends helped move the music. First the Shelter girls came and made a big trip over with boxes and boxes of music. Then the "Dirty Diets," Angela, Audrey, Jen Ramsdell, Leslie and Melanie, came and moved the rest of the music. Each group spent about 45 minutes and we were done. I didn't take any pictures because it was at the end of a long day and week, and all of us looked like it. :) That didn't stop the Dirty Diets from taking over Beto's for a late-night jam. I have such good, supportive friends. Jennifer Hatch and her kids came the next day and organized all of my piano music. And here we are moving the yellow piano.

Best helper ever. He kept sending me encouraging texts.

Scott and I took off for the Ranch Saturday night for a seemingly impossible but much-needed respite. I think we were gone for like 10 hours. Sunday starts early for Scott nowdays.
See how exhausted I look? h ah ha . Sad!

Here is part of my moving crew. Sunday night, after our getaway and 8 hours of church for Scott, I kinda tricked my brothers in law, Bruce and Tricia and Jim into moving the last three super heavy cabinets that the movers didn't have time to move. We needed them for the opening day! The ox was in the mire. With three trucks and a minivan, we loaded the three cabinets and the table I use for everything and brought it all to the new store. I don't know what I would have done if they guys hadn't been willing to help. Clint also hung up all the black particle board that was essential for the thole thing to work.

The work never ends!
I'm so grateful for all the help and for all the fun that I'm having in this new venture. I can't tell you how toerrifying it is, or how much I love it.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

So exciting! Still hoping to visit your store someday!