Thursday, June 21, 2018

We Should All Care

I love that "doubleseatbelting" is a word in my vocabulary. 😁😍 When we brought Xanthe home, after we had seen the tragedy of her orphanage, all those babies without parents, I had on a loop in my mind a vision of Scott and me carrying as many children as we could onto the plane home. A defense mechanism against having to leave all those children behind. We could each carry three, right? Or four. I could carry six. I could do it. And every night as I fell asleep, for months, I'd go through a list in my mind of friends and family who I knew would take and care for one of those children. I did the list every night up to one hundred, as if my mental list making could conjure homes for all those orphans. Now I do the same thing, but for whole families. "We could put a family in Ruby's room. We could put a family in the TV room. We could fit so many in Araceli's room." Or we could bring two thousand children here while their parents are located. Every night I go through the list up to two thousand, assigning several to each person I know. I have them all placed in cage-free homes in my mind. We could all hold them and dry their tears until their mamas are allowed to come. We could save them.

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