Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday Fun

When I finally woke up today at 7:30, I just knew that Scott had quietly sneaked out of the house hours earlier to shop. I called him around 8:00 to check on his progress. When I hung up, I explained to the kids what "adreneline rush" means. Scott was definitely in his element, rushing from store to store, finding all the right things. Shopping is not my thing, so Scott tore himself away from the stores long enough to pick up Golda and Ruby and take them out shopping. Meanwhile, I took the "littles" to the discovery museum. Black Friday fever must have hit me walking through the Gateway, because we went to 3 kid stores and bought some adorable clothes for Xanthe and Ari. I couldn't help it!
At the museum, the kids played to their hearts' content for hours while I sat on the sidelines of the giant block station and read my book. I love that place! I met two families with little girls from China, one from Schezuan (spicy province, like Hunan) and one from Outer Mongolia!
Tonight, all the Dopp siblings met at Bruce and Marlene's for another Thanksgiving dinner. Soon after arriving, just as I was having fun talking to everyone, Ari started looking pale and said she didn't feel good, so I took her home, where she went right to bed. Xanthe, too. Hmm...
Today, like yesterday, was the perfect mix of fun, relaxation and family. I am so thankful for our parents, brothers and sisters. I'm thankful for five sweet and precious kids, and for Scott, my funny best friend. And I'm thankful for this soothing break between busy weeks. It's nice to stop and look around and maybe sit with a cup of my new favorite, Stephens Cinnamon hot cocoa. Maybe I'll have a cup now...


Michelle said...

I love that scott takes such joy in shopping! Hope he got some good treasures!

love.boxes said...

Hope Ari is feeling better and Xanthe too. :) Sounds like a fun day!