Saturday, November 24, 2007

Boy Crazy

For a mom who has four daughters and only one son, today was different. This morning, Freestone and I had a date. We drove Golda in to her drama rehearsal, got trendy cups of hot chocolate and went to the..what else? The discovery museum. Freestone is so fun to watch as he plays. He concentrates as if his career depends on how efficiently he gets the plastic balls to their rightful places. The kid works hard!
When we got home, I traded Ari for Henry, and Sarah took the kindergarten girls to a movie. Since I was on a roll, I traded Golda and Ruby for Jackson and Collin, and made it a boys' day. Poor little Xanthe was completely outnumbered. Just to tip the scale even more, we picked up Jake and headed to the castle park. The boys were calling it the "witch park," a name Jackson coined when I asked, "Which park do you guys want to go to?" My lesson on synonyms was no match for the idea of a park full of witches, so the name stuck. Sweet little boys, all of them. I just love 'em.
The BIG boys didn't have as much fun today, watching Utah lose to BYU. After this defeat, Scott vowed to stop watching sports. It'll never happen...sports are hard-wired in to these creatures. When I was in the car with 5 boys today, I turned on the game. The banter of the announcers, the roar of the crowd, held their attention, and they were quiet. But when I asked them who was winning the game, every one of them, in unison, said, "Me!" So it will be a few years before a team's loss will upset them. And I'm glad. Let them enjoy their childhood victories.


Michelle said...

Circe, I am so glad you started this blog! I love the way you write. All of you natural intelligence and humor come right through! It makes me feel a little less homesick too. Please keep blogging I really love it! Oh, and after reading your chirstmas card I have to know, when did your dad become Bill?

love.boxes said...

What a fun day with Freestone and the boys! Boys are really fun. I enjoy speding time with my nephews which mostly consists of "tif watch!"... watch me do this and this other amazing thing. :)

Michelle said...

Thanks so much for including Jakey in your fun. He had a blast hanging out with the boys, and you are so great to make sure he is included in your activities.

We love you!!!