Monday, November 26, 2007


Today is science fair project day. Most of the other kids started their projects in September, since which time Golda has written and choroegraphed approximately 150 musicals and mass produced dozens of illustrated invitations to her shows. But no science project. Today, when my dad suggested testing why your tongue sticks to a frozen surface, I responded, "I don't want to be the guinea pig for that experiment!" That's when I remembered, "Hey! We HAVE a guinea pig!" So, later today when Golda comes home from school, Max will be the subject of some rigorous testing on whether sugar makes guinea pigs run faster. I'm sure Max will love the candy corn I dug out of the Halloween candy. Oh, this is all going to be very scientific! I can't wait!


Jennie said...

So funny! Don't you just love how "their" work turns into "mom's" work. :) Keep us posted on the results. ~Jen

love.boxes said...

I will be waiting to see how that turns out? You have a guinea pig too! You're amazing Circ!

SSWS said...

What a wonderful blog! It's hard to believe I see you every day...I'm hanging on every word! Poor if Henry hasn't tortured him enough!

Michelle said...

Dang you have good ideas! Good luck Max!

Michelle said...

oh, and by the way, I feel like I almost at a k-girls party with my two other girls up there in the comments!

Renee said...

Hi.I just found your blog via & I willc ontinue to visit your blog as I am really loving it so far!Renee