Monday, October 13, 2008


Surprise! Xanthe has a cracked collarbone! She hurt it falling off a trampoline a week ago, and she's been complaining a little sometimes when I pick her up. I might be crazy, but I thought a cracked bone would hurt enough to warrant more than an occasional whimper. Today after her violin lesson, I finally got smart and took her in to the same doctor who looked at Ruby's broken arm. I wonder how often he gets two kids from the same family within a month? It was slightly embarrassing.
Xanthe was adorable. When the X-ray woman came in, Xanthe said, "You going hurt me? You not going hurt me?" Xanthe is terrified of doctors, so I was surprised at her conversational tone! She did great in the X-ray and hardly flinched when the doctor examined her. She was pleased as could be with her sling, but even more excited when they switched it out for a smaller and more colorful one. On the way out, Xanthe the little starlet shouted, "See you tomorrow, doctor! See you tomorrow!"
Oh, I hope not! After showing her sling to every person at McKay Dee between the doctor's office and our car, the poor little invalid was exhausted. One minute she was mumbling, "I was brave!" and the next minute, she was snoring in her carseat. It makes me sad that Xanthe has such a high tolerance for pain, that she would barely complain of a fractured collarbone, even with holding her violin right on the broken bone. It makes me wonder about her first year, and exactly how much she cried to no avail, and at what point in her tiny mind she decided it wasn't worth it to cry because there was nobody to comfort her. Xanthe has been with us for two years, and apparently she is still much braver than she should be. Hopefully her strength will serve her well in life, but for now, I just want to hug away all her bravery.


Lisa and Tate said...

This just breaks my heart. So brave and uncomplaining.... I guess the first year with our daughters will be the unknown. Now she has a momma and can get all the hugs and comfort she needs.

Anonymous said...

Wow..that breaks my heart to read about it. How I wish we could go back and re-do those first months so we could have them with us from the start. Best wishes to Xanthe and all. You are very brave!!

Michelle said...

Oh, me too! I want to come help hug! Poor little bug! Hope she feels better!

The homestead said...

Gordon broke his collarbone (actually smashed it) and was out of work for 2 weeks. Matthew's friend broke it in the morning and was over to play that afternoon. Kids are incredible.

Jennie said...

OMGOSH X! I'm so sorry you got hurt. Who knew. I'm assuming this happened at Marlene's when we were all there. I hope you get feeling better soon! You are a brave, brave girl!

Erin said...

Oh Circe,
I am just crying. Having been to Xanthe's orphanage, I know how overwhelmed the nannies were. I am certain that Xanthe and Libby's experiences there, can shape them in good ways too... I keep reminding my own heart of that.

Erin said...

And Libby wants to tell Xanthe, "Get Well Soon!"!

Elder Cook said...

Bless her heart. I hope her little collarbone heals even stronger. Go hug,hug,hug her all you want.
Very sweet

love.boxes said...

Get well soon Xanthe.. and don't be quite so tough.

Jenny said...

Xanthe, were so sorry you got hurt. It looks like you are very brave and so adorable too! I hope you feel better!