Monday, June 6, 2011

Surprise Party

Aunt Da planned a surprise party for Uncle Jim at Nana's house.  We were lucky enough to be invited, probably because Jessie, Golda and Ruby are always looking for opportunities to hang out and Jim and Da love Xanthe.  Jim tells her, "You're special to me," and she just beams.  I wish Nana's house could have accommodated every one of the cousins, but I think we figured out we're up over 120 people now, so we might have to party in shifts!  It was fun to see Jon and Sandra and their boys, and to meet Jim and Da's nephew/son Frank, whose soccer game we watched recently.  He is twelve and just arrived from Thailand.  His "big brother" Mike knows what it's like to pick up a new language on the fly, having come to the States at age seven.  He and Jessie refuse to speak Thai to Frank, but Danny takes pity on him sometimes and translates.  Frank is a great kid with a winning smile and incredible soccer skills, and we're so glad to have him in the family.

When I told Xanthe we were having Thai food at the party, she said, "And I'm going to like it because I'm China!"  It's fun for her to see her Asian cousins.  She commented to Da how some of the kids look like her and I said, "That's because you're all Asian."  Xanthe asked me what Asian means, and Uncle Jim picked her up and told her, "Asian means beautiful."  Again, she beamed.

We had such a good time catching up with family that I think I might have to invite all the DeBrys over for a summer BBQ.  Anyone in??  Between my house, the gully, the clubhouse and the swing set, we can easily accommodate 120+ chocolate-loving, soccer-playing Dutch-English-Italian-Irish-Thai-Korean-Chinese DeBrys!  Phew!  Did I miss any ethnic backgrounds?!  Marla, you bring the lemon dessert.  :)
Mike broke his collarbone playing flag football.

Jon, Peter, Sandra, Erik, Eli
Erik, Jon, Peter and Rita
Brittany (Mike's girlfriend), Jessie, Golda and Ruby
Frank, Eli, Danny and Erik
Three brothers:  Paul, Mark and Jim
Da and Circe
Ruby, Xanthe, Golda, Araceli, Jessie, Erik, Eli, Peter, Danny and Frank

MArla, MArk, Araceli, Rita, Paul, Nana Ruby, Ruby, Golda, Jessie, Xanthe, Eli, Erik, Peter, Bob, Jon, Sandra, Brittany, Mike, Danny and Frank

Paul, Mary, Mark, Nana Ruby, Bob and Jim

 Jessie and Xanthe
 Frank and Eli.  Frank can run circles around the American boys.  While playing hackey sack with the ball.


laurel said...

The title of your blog is perfect. You guys are always having a party!

Love that Xanthe is planning on liking Thai food becuase she is China. Funny!

Ernstfamilyfun said...

Circe! Thank you so much for posting all about this! It makes me feel not so far away, and not so left out. It is sad to be so far from family, but hopefully it won't be for to much longer. I love seeing all the pictures!