Thursday, June 9, 2011


Xanthe found a cheeseburger wrapper in the car the other day and was livid that somebody besides her had gotten a cheeseburger.  This was before our week got out of control with Ari's summer strings and Peter Pan.  Now, we're knee-deep in fast food wrappers and cups in my car.  It's just sad when you've been to so many drive-thrus that you physically don't have the stamina to throw away the wrappers fast enough so that they don't tumble out in heaps when you open the car door.  Either the grease is making us sluggish or the volume of food is out of hand.  Today alone, we hit Wendy's twice, McDonald's, Burger King , Dylan's and Yogo Togo.  At home, Michelle cooked dinner, but Golda and Ruby and I were at play practice.  If I were nurturing like Aunt Michelle, I would have packed the girls each three hot meals in thermoses to get them through 10 hours of Peter Pan.  But like I told Michelle, my idea of nurturing is, "You can have anything you want on the dollar menu!"  I fix food for sustenance, but I've never learned to show my love through cooking.  It's something I admire, but I'm better at showing my love through driving people to play practice and making them listen to their Suzuki CD's on the way.

I finally did take Xanthe to Dylan's to get a "special" kids' meal so she wouldn't feel so left out.  During the interminable few minutes Xanthe, Ptolemy and I were dining in the restaurant, Tolly drank most of his fry sauce, declared it yummy, poured the rest on his leg and spilled his drink.  And Xanthe, after trying a beet, started shouting all the words she could come up with that rhyme with YUCK.  At that point, I was just trying to get out of there before she got to the letter F.  Kids do not belong in restaurants.  Kids belong in cars in the drive-thru.

Tomorrow, we'll have to do a popsicle cleanse or something.  I'm just thankful there were homemade chocolate chip muffins waiting for everyone when they got home from opening night.  Thanks, Michelle. 

And by the way, Peter Pan was fabulous!  I'm proud of you, girls.  Now go to bed so we can do it all again tomorrow.  If you work hard enough, your future stage productions will have Kraft Food Services.  Then you won't need me at all!


Jennie said...

We can't wait to come and see the show! We hope they are having fun. They have put in a lot of work and energy. What stars!

C and MC said...

Two full weeks at the Browning Center for you huh? The fast food joints on Harrison are rolling in the benjamins during recital week. I love your depiction of eating in Dylan's. It is exactly right. Eating out is not even an option for us Moody's anymore. It is NOT worth it. Break a leg Peter Pan girls!

Michelle said...

Another fabulous production! Both girls were so great! And now I don't miss the recital quite as much, I got to see the Dopp girls dance at least a little!

sws said...

I agree with Michelle - the Dopp girl dances were the best! I agree that kids are better off in the drive-thru than in a restaurant....loved your comment about Kraft food service! Your girls are so lucky that you help them pursue their dreams....

Brittany said...

It was great! Mom didn't get why Ruby was in there so much. Because she's awesome, of course!!!