Wednesday, May 21, 2014

It's HIS Fault!

Teachers, just a quick note! I am no longer processing information, whether via email, peachjar or backpack flyer. From now on, I will send all of my children to school each day in a medieval costume with good walking shoes, sunscreen, their favorite stuffed animal, a treat for the class, a sack lunch, three dollars and a permission slip stating that they can go anywhere within state lines. I hope that covers it! And good luck.

It's getting to that point.  You know, the point where you're at the store at 8 am to pick up "a pound of cheese cut into blocks" for Shakespeare day, and your baby is wearing JUST her big brother's sports coat from Sunday because she had a fantastically explosive underpants situation on the way, and you had cleaned out your car to accommodate all the ballroom kids and their costumes, so there wasn't a scrap of spare clothing to be found under any of the seats.  Of course, you can't possibly explain this to the people at the store who think you're a crazy woman, unless you wear a sandwich board, but that would require advance preparation and there ain't none of that going on anywhere right now.

I also didn't have a sandwich board last night when I talked to a guy at Big Daddy's Pizza between baseball and play practice. I thought he was our 4th grade teacher from last year, but he wasn't.  He was the orthodontist at whom I went ballistic for being chronically behind schedule, coincidentally, last MAY.  Speaking of orthodontics, holy foot in mouth!  He already thought I was "that insane mother."  Our little chat about how 4th grade was going this year just confirmed what he already knew.  I am that insane mother. I pinpoint that moment as the moment I should have gone to the store to pick up the pound of cheese, but forgot because of the 4th grade teacher/ortho encounter.  If I had remembered then, I wouldn't have been at the store with a biohazard of a child in a seersucker sports coat this morning.  So the ortho is really to blame for all of my problems, just like last year.  Don't tell him, though.  He is a really super nice guy.  (Unlike me!)


Jennie said...

Oh I hear ya. Will this school year just die already? :)

Anonymous said...

Too funny, I will go to sleep here in Miami wondering what will tomorrow bring at your house! Great writings, I would blame it on the orthodentist too! You need to write that book! Meanwhile until you do, keep the blogs going, they are most delightful. xo Tricia

Catherine said...

Lol! Your posts are a treat to wake up to ...and a warning about what my future looks like as Hannah proceeds through school. I don't know how you do it with 6. You rock!!

Jennifer said...

Did you greet him in French? :}

sws said...

I remember that guy! This is hilarious...