Tuesday, July 7, 2015


 I love my friends.  My Shelter friends in particular are such a good group.  We managed to coalesce into a little band of disparate personalities who seem to mesh incredibly well, despite, or maybe because of, our differences.  Then again, we have a lot in common, too.  Our annual Park City weekend is basically 60 hours of non-stop conversation.  I don't know how we do it, I really don't.  But we do.  We stay up until 2 in the morning talking, and then I'm wide awake at 6.  I don't know why, but it's a good chance to get up and clear my head before the conversation stars anew.  Each day, we walked/hiked, swam, lounged at Sarah's condo and ate the chocolate chip cookies that Michelle brought.  It was heaven.
 Sarah, Jen and Jennie

 Sushi Blue was good food, bad service and excellent company.
 Tiffany and Christine
I love this picture.  I think my friends are so beautiful.
One thing the server did do well was take pictures.  Unfortunately, one of us had our eyes closed in every single shot.
 Our friend Jared Sanders is represented at the Montgomery-Lee gallery on Main Street, so we had to go check out his work.

 Walking/hiking.  I am so lazy.  It's nice to have someone get me off the couch.
 We shopped.  I had to enlist Scott's help, but yes, I did manage to buy some things.  One of the skirts turned on me as soon as I washed it, though.  It didn't say anything about being so needy when I bought it!  I can't believe I'm going to have to iron it.  So mad.
 I didn't want to come home, really, but I did want to see Freestone pass the sacrament for the first time.  It was so worth it!  I'm so proud of Freestone.  He has a huge heart.
 Sunday night was our friend Leslie's birthday/housewarming party.  Her parnets built a new house two streets over from me.  It is gorgeous.  Leslie hosted a wonderful party.

The supreme court ruling passed, legalizing gay marriage in every state.  It warmed my heart so much.  I have so many friends whom it meant a lot to.  I just felt happy for them.  There was a firestorm of controversy, especially in my corner of the universe.  I think everyone recognizes that we all love each other, first and foremost.  Nevertheless, the debate can get ugly.  I have never had a prouder parenting moment than when Ruby posted her comment on Facebook.  "These are individuals you are talking about when you post your opinions of what is "wrong."  Values of kindness and love are much more important to act on than anything else.  Every person should be validated and supported on the basis of loving everyone, regardless of their opinions, actions, or beliefs."

I love Ruby, and I am so proud of her for her sensitive, caring heart, and the way she is aware of her friends' feelings, needs and heartaches.  She is truly in tune with each person she cares about, and would never want any of them to feel hurt.  She is universally accepting.  She is an incredible spirit, compassionate, courageous and loyal.  Everyone can feel safe with her, that they will be embraced, no matter what.  Unless you make her mad  Then, watch out!  The wrath of Ruby, however rare, is deadly! ;)
 The day after Shelter Weekend ended, Lion King started.  Sarah's daughter Ellison put together a pretty impressive audition and production.  Xanthe and Ptolemy auditioned and found out their parts while I was in Park City.  It was a lot of fun for us moms to get in on the spirit of Lion King while we were together with our cookies and Diet Coke!  Ptolemy is a zebra and Xanthe is a dancer in several parts.  She and Esmae are over the moon about it, and practice all the time.
 And finally, here is the quintessential Kaysville summer:  Bowman's half-price donuts after 7:00.  Scott even lets the kids get the huge, pudding-filled donuts.  The Bowman's addiction so bad that, when I took the three little to Bowman's tonight, Ptolemy sobbed because "Dad lets him get the big donuts."  I always say we can only get rationally-sized pastries.  Ptolemy said I was the "worst mom ever."  If it wasn't summer and he wasn't my 6th child and he wasn't so freaking cute, I would have hauled him home without a donut.  It will be interesting to see if he turns out.  He is so spoiled.

 Favorite thing ever:  freshly washed towels and blankets.

 "Excuse me, Mommy.  I fink I needa put my hair in a bun or sumpin."  So we did.  And the bun stayed in for a week.  I just...can't...
 And meanwhile!
 Jen Ramsdell sent me this picture of Ptolemy and Isaac on their tee ball team.  I have become much too cheap to ever buy these B-quality photos.  Hey, that $14 could be better spent on a plate of coconut shrimp, the minute I make it back to Hawaii.  For now, though, Kaysville is paradise enough.

1 comment:

michelle said...

Love this post! Some of the best parts of summer!