Thursday, April 28, 2016

Golda's Calendar

Of all the things Golda could have inherited from my example, she chose calendaring in this arcane, outdated way, instead of just using Google, or whatever the new thing is.  I am secretly delighted.  The heft and colorfulness of my calendar makes me happy.  Golda's is much more pretty than mine, with her exquisite handwriting.

I'm continually surprised and awed by my children and their accomplishments and capabilities, especially when those things seem to be completely of their own doing.  They're all so much smarter than Scott and I could have engineered them to be, and so much more pure and good.  It is comforting when a bit of me appears to have rubbed of on one of our offspring.  Then I can congratulate myself and Scott and say, "See?  You've done a good job."  In my heart, I feel it wasn't really us, but it's nice to have had a bit part in the process of creating these beautiful humans.

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