Monday, October 3, 2016

Conference Weekend

Saturday, I was home most of the day making soup and puttering around the kitchen listening to conference.  Between sessions, Scott and I took the kids to Petco to get a new light for the iguana cage.  These are the types of errands you never thought you would have to face.  Petco is fun, though.  The kids love it.  On the way, Tizzy said the funniest thing.  "Sometimes my eyebrows hurt because I had a dream that a boy lit them of fire."  Okaaay...

Scott recently repainted and redecorated the TV room.  It was sorely needed, and he did a fabulous job.  He even lit a "manly indulgence" candle.

Tziporah's primary teacher was so thoughtful to bring coloring supplies for Conference.
Saturday night, the men went to the Priesthood session while I ran Araceli in to SLC for her Hands Free performance.  Taking this picture, I felt so much affection and love towards these guys.  Frank had heard about the meeting in seminary and asked me if he could go.  Sure!  I don't know if her knew it was going to be just like church.  I think it's neat to see all the men dressed up.  Araceli's performance ended just as the Priesthood session did, and suddenly, downtown Salt Lake was flooded with hoardes of men in suits, many with their young sons, dressed up and participating with their dads.

Whe we got home, the guys had enjoyed the soup and goodies I had made, and were watching the Utah game in Scott's new and improved TV room.  Araceli had friends over, and Xanthe had Esmae and Izzy here for a sleepover.  The house was full and merry, and so was my heart.

Sunday, Nikki and Clint had us over for Conference breakfast.  Their new house lends itself so well to large gatherings. Everyone was comfortable eating and listening all day.  We had breakfast, then conference, then lunch, then conference.
When I saw this display of Nikki's thoughtfulness, my heart melted.  I sent Golda a picture of it that night, and she wrote, "I literally got teary eyed seeing that picture.  She will never know how much that means to me.  Tell her thank you so much!"  Now I have a stack of letters to send Golda in a package we are shipping off with a friend to HK this week.
Grandma had all kinds of activities for the kids, including their traditional notebooks.  This group got to make blankets for the homeless shelter.

Jenny, baby Indy and Jean, Clint's family.

At one point, it was like Pier 49 with all the sleeping sea lions!
Cade was our only October kid birthday.  He and I share a birthday October 24. So he's my fave. :)

Freestone has taken on the responibility of being more annoying than his dad was at his age. Most of it is directed at Scott.  Karma.  Bruce laughs.

After a day of relaxing with the Dopps, we came home and relaxed with the Kings.  Soup and bread bowls for dinner, and lots of desserts.  Conference weekend really is renewing and reviving.  I love the chance to reflect and decompress with my people.


Unknown said...

I love having my home filled with all the people I love. I hope Golda enjoys her notes!

Catherine said...

What a great weekend! I literally said, 'Ahhhhh' out loud when I saw the table about leaving notes for Golda!