We have always been suspicious of Xanthe's left eye. It looks like it wanders sometimes, but doctors have always said that it doesn't. It's just the shape of the skin fold on her eyelid that makes it look different than the other eye sometimes. The opthamologist I took her to on Monday emphatically reassured me she does not have a lazy eye or a wandering eye. It was when he dilated her eyes and shone a light in them that he became concerned. Her left retina doesn't refract the light properly. From what we can gather, there are not many reasons it could be and we are steeled for the worst. We have an appointment with a pediatric specialist on Friday who may be able to either diagnose something or get us into Primary's sooner than six weeks. If our worst fears are confirmed, she would get into PCMC right away.
Xanthe must have picked up on all the talk about her eyes, because she announced to me today, "I have beautiful eyes." She does, and I am so grateful she is here with us where we can make sure her eyes are healthy. Thank you, friends, for the bread, calls, prayers, hugs and love boxes I received today. :) It helps us get through to Friday to know that we have so much love behind us.
On a happier note, Scott got a new cast and a new foot angle today. He is much more comfortable. And I saw the baby in an ultrasound moving his little hands. It looks like he's going to be a pianist, the way his fingers are always moving! He's a very busy guy...we can't wait to meet him!
Love you Circ.
I'm glad you were able to get in to a specialist so soon. Hopefully he can fast pass you to PCMC if needs be. Please let me help you on Friday. I can get the boys were they need to be. Just let me know when and where. Love you guys!
Would your kids like to play with mine on Friday? We could do before or after school in whatever combination could help you.
We are keeping her in our prayers. We hope for the best. Call us right after your appointment.
I have had lots of emails, all the Davis girls are praying for you. We all love you!
We are both praying and have Xanthe in our thoughts.
Circe, I SO WISH you didn't have to go though this. I'm praying for you and your family. I sincerely hope you can find some answers quickly - and that they are all good ones. I love you! Melinda
I was so sorry to hear what happened to your husband because I had a friend who had that same injury and it is a tough one. Hang in there, guys! You are in my prayers. Also, I hope your little girl doesn't have too much trouble in this eye of hers. I am sorry to hear about that. She does have beautiful eyes!
You and Xanthe are in our thoughts and prayers. Hopefully all will be well. Love, Em and her mama.
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