Friday, March 6, 2009

Xanthe's Diagnosis

Xanthe most likely does not have cancer of the retina in her left eye. The opthamologist we saw this morning all but ruled out that possiblity. What a huge sigh of relief! What we found out is that Xanthe can't see very well out of that eye. We thought she could based on Monday's tests, but when the doctor held a paddle over her good eye, she tried to move it away to see the pictures he was showing her. She couldn't tell what the pictures were. That was a sad moment for Scott and me.

When the doctor dilated her eyes and looked into her retina, he spent a lot of time trying different lenses, looking with various lights and pieces of equipment. He couldn't get a clear reading on her vision because of what he called "pigmentary retinopathy." The pigment behind her retina, instead of being uniform, is broken up into little chunks, impairing her sight. His best guess is that it is similar to scarring she probably developed at birth or in utero, maybe due to exposure to syphylis. She isn't a carrier for the disease; but it could have damaged that eye. We have an appointment at Primary's in a few weeks with a doctor that will probably be part of our lives for the next ten years, monitoring that eye and Xanthe's vision. Unfortunately, the vision may not be able to be corrected with glasses or surgery, but it most likely hasn't gotten worse over her lifetime, and probably won't get worse in the future. But she will be almost blind in that eye. I'm sad that Xanthe has never been able to see clearly and sad we didn't know, but incredibly relieved that it's not retinoblastoma (cancer) and doesn't appear to be getting worse. All of this information is still subject to what the specialist at Primary's finds from more extensive testing. For now, we are counting our blessings. Xanthe is counting hers, too. She asked for a Barbie doll today and Golda, Ruby and I took her to the store and helped her choose one. If she figures out how thankful we are about her eye, she'll really take advantage!


Jennifer said...

That is a sigh of relief. I hope you will be guided to the very best doctors to help this precious little girl.

Jennie said...

Thanks for letting us know. We just love little X. She has such a big heart. Thanks for letting her play yesterday. Izzy was in heaven!

Michelle said...

I am so sorry that Xanthe has this new, extra challenge in her little life but I am so relieved that it isn't cancer! I was so scared it would be. I am so glad Heavenly Father knew she needed to be in your family so she could get the care and love she needs.

OH, and let's do lunch or a movie to celebrate next week!

Lisa and Tate said...

How scary for you and your beuariful brown-eyed girl Xanthe. Glad the diagnosis was not the scary CA word. Huge Hugs!

Amanda said...

I'm so glad it's not cancer! I've been praying for you all morning! Now we'll pray that this new doctor can help her somehow! Good luck!

Jenny said...

What a relief. Sad to hear that she doesn't have very good sight in that eye but sure is a relief it is nothing life threatening. She is lucky to have such a good family to take care of her. We love you guys!

Michelle said...

Glad to hear that it isn't a tumor or cancer, but sad that it will permanently effect her vision. We've been thinking about you today.

Anonymous said...

So glad it is not a retinoblastoma, but sorry that Xanthe will carry this reminder with her, and have a vision loss in that eye. Good luck at PCMC. Please keep us posted. We love Xanthe.

The homestead said...

I'm so glad it isn't something more serious. It's interesting to have another piece of Xanthe's history. What a strong, brave little girl you have.

Queen Elizabeth said...

Whew! My prayers are with you...

laurel said...

I am so glad to hear your news. Not being able to see is bad, but not like the other. I have a friend who has the same thing only in both eyes. She teaches RS and just has to have the lesson blown up big, plus uses a magnifying glass. She has 5 kids and does really well. Obviously she can't drive since it is in both eyes, but her life is full and amazing. I look at her and she just takes my breath away. She does so much. She is also a RM. I think she has done it all, just like Xanthe will. Her doctor is up at the U. She still has regular visits, but not much has changed in recent years. We send our best. Hang in there! Hugs for Xanthe and mom.

Erin said...

We are away, and I am just checking in... I am so relieved that X is O.K.! I didn't know that you were going through such a huge stress. I am sorry that X's eye cannot see what you would wish.I love this quote though: "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart."
~Helen Keller