Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Yesterday Was Plain Awful

Yesterday the sky was white and the wind was cold. Xanthe went to the opthamologist who said two phrases you never want to hear in a doctor's office: "I don't know what's wrong" and "Primary Children's...specialist." I was distraught over the diagnosis of "a mysterious left eye," and my whole day was contaminated with fear and dread. I thought about all the tiny challenges facing each of our kids. I thought about Scott being in constant and abiding pain, unable even to carry his cereal bowl to the kitchen table, facing a long recovery. I thought about the days we didn't practice, the books we've neglected, the times we've been late for lessons. the homework not done, the lectures I've given kids in a the wrong spirit. Yesterday was gloomy, no doubt about it.

Today I spent the morning at the park listening to the happy sounds of kids set free from winter. I walked around the greenhouse, took in the smell of the soil and bought a whole flat of brightly colored primroses. I feel better about Xanthe's eye. She can see, and we'll take it from here. It's amazing how quickly the sun can evaporate stress, worry and mental fatigue. Everything seems easier when the sun is shining as if it might come back for good someday soon.


Jennie said...

Keep us posted on X's eye. I hope you are able to get in to the specialist sooner rather than later. Six weeks always seems to be the major number. Let me know and I'll plan on taking the other kiddos and I'll get them where they need to be. Heaven knows how many times you have helped me when I had Jackson specialist appoitments. And... on the bright side, I think X will love PCMC. It is Jackson's favorite doctor's office. :) You always come home with a cool toy. It is kind of like a happy meal minus the meal. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Circe. How many things to deal with. I work with many children with different eye conditions. Please keep me posted as well. I will pray for you. I LOVED your primrose picture! Primroses are the fulfillment of the promise that spring will finally come after a long winter!

Jenny said...

Oh the worries they have cost us, the evils that have never happened! Someone much smarter than me said this (can't remember who) but it is good to remember. For some reason the negative things are so easy to allow to consume us but it is nice what a difference a day makes. Especially a sunny one!

Erin said...

Circe, I am sorry that so many challenges seem to be coming at you right now. Bless little Xanthe's heart. I hope that this is resolved soon. And give our best to Scott. It is so tiring to be in constant pain. Hoping that everything looks brighter, and that better times will find their way to you very soon. Like the sunshine.

Michelle said...

Ugh! I hate vague diagnosis! Give me facts and a plan! I hope you get X in soon too and they take one look at her and know just what to do! this is getting redundant I know, but would cinnamon rolls help? I do cookies too.

Elisa said...

I couldn't agree more. I wish Mr. Sun would remember where we live and just shine and shine and shine.

Kids and stress and worries = sleepless nights and no fun. I feel your pain.

Maria said...

I am so sorry that things seem to be coming at every angle! I agree though on your attitude about the sun. It is amazing how a little sunshine does brighten your day! Keep us posted on Xanthe's eye!!!

Taylor Family said...

Circe keep us posted. I hope you can get into a doctor soon. We would love another playdate so drop your kids off anytime.

laurel said...

We hope everything goes okay. With your positive attitude, how could it not?! My great niece and nephew both see an eye specialist at Primary's. They do well and amazing thing. I am with you we NEED spring.

Eliza2006 said...

Yes, like Nate, I work with kids who have visual impairments ranging from mild to severe...keep me posted! You have a lot on your plate right now. You are in my thoughts!

love.boxes said...

We're hoping for the best.. your primroses are beautiful.