Friday, November 26, 2010

Heavenly Peace

Ten little turkeys slept scattered across the floor last night.  I was going to take a picture of their angelic faces, but the tryptophan got me.  I fell asleep as soon as the kids did!  Scott, on the other hand, stayed out til the wee hours shopping.  I thought of him when I was snuggled up in bed with my book.  Sucker!

The cousin sleepover was fun, but when most of the kids and Scott, the shopper, scattered to the four winds this morning and peace descended, it was even more fun.  I put the leftovers - Xanthe and Ptolemy - down for a nap and started blanketing the house in Christmas.  There's a tree in every child's room and one in the living room.  I'm sure I'll feel compelled to share pictures, but first...cinnamon and hazelnut.  I know that if I sit down and relax, somebody will either come home or wake up, but I'm going to take the risk.  Here goes...


Michelle said...

Did Scott tell you I saw him last night? Man I don't know how you and Jennie worked that deal but it was a good one.Course I don't think he was envying you the 10 kids at the time. Back to work for me, still Christmasing my house!

Nate said...

What a fun Chrismas house. SO amazing you have a tree in every child's room:)

Kristi said...

Such cozy pictures... I do love that first evening when the house has been transformed, relaxing in the glow of the Christmas tree lights. Bliss!