Monday, December 15, 2014

Holiday Lights and Cupcakes

 Xanthe has been so thrilled to be in the school choir this year, especially since Esmae is in it with her.  They walk to school early every Tuesday.  I love this choir that Mrs. Buttars does every year, because the kids sing the songs around the house during the weeks leading up to Christmas, and the songs she chooses are adorable.  My favorite is Holiday Lights, which I missed at the night performance because my violin lessons ended at the same time the concert began.  I went back the next morning for the choir's school performance and got a video of Holiday Lights. HERE.  It's in the dark, and each kid has a flashlight with colored paper over the light.  I enjoy it, but it was so funny when I showed it to Nana.  I thought she was going to say how cute it was, but she said, "Well, isn't that...weird.  With all those lights flashing, and no bass line!"  Ha ha!  Nana has a sharp ear, even at 98.  Yes, there were no basses in the fourth grade this year!
 And may I present....Xanthe's smile!!  In recent months, Xanthe has developed a smile for pictures which instantly transforms her face from beautiful to constipated chipmonk.  Without stressing her out, we all tried to get her to abandon the chipmonk smile, with no luck.  This time, I said, "Smile with your whole face, not just your mouth."  It worked!  Look at that absolutely gorgeous girl!  And isn't her dress reminiscent of holiday lights?

On Sunday, Xanthe gave a talk on following the example of Jesus Christ in her family.  She included a poem she wrote for Ruby.  "You are a cupcake, I am the frosting on a cute little cupcake like you."  This girl!  She is so sweet, just like a cupcake.  Her heart is full of fluffy, pink, pure and simple frosting.  I love it when the sweetness shines!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Xanthe is beautiful. We just love her. Oh my gosh, that song is cute, but a little evil. It is so dang catchy that I think I'm going to be singing it all day! :)