Sunday, November 15, 2015

Ballet West Smorgasbord

This was my little band of concertgoers last week for the ballet.  I accidentally typed in "concertogers.  Concert ogres.  Ha ha.  That should be a thing.  They weren't ogres, though.  They were all well behaved and enjoyed the performance very much.  Except Nana, who didn't go, and stayed home snug and warm.  

These two stole my phone during intermission and pretended to be bored and sleepy, when they were anything but.  The first piece was a Fancy Free, Bernstein piece that's a study for the musical On the Town. Highly entertaining, and with 3 male soloiss, it was fun for Freestone to see, as we're the other two pieces, in terms of super strong male dancers. Second piece was Overgrown Path, a beautiful barefoot modern piece with music by Janacek, one of my favorite composers, and one you don't get to hear too much. The third piece, highly aerobic and athletic, was Bizet's Symphony in C with crazy-demanding Balanchine choreography. We were all in awe.

I love Ballet West's First Look program, that invites dancers to see the dress rehearsal for free. Salt Lake is an incredible place for the arts. 

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