Monday, November 9, 2015

My Boys

I love taking my boys to violin on Wednesday mornings.  I wake them up at 5:45, stand Ptolemy upright, wrap his blanket around him and point him toward the door.  5 steps later, he crumples to the floor and falls asleep.  Ditto halfway up the stairs, same thing on the way to the front door.  Poor kid!  That's early for a first grader!  He's like a newborn koala, the way he's all floppy and sleepy, but eventually he perks up.

We've learned the hard way that kids need food before a 6 am lesson, so McDonald's it is.  Because am I really going to cook breakfast at 5 am?  Since the last time Freestone almost passed out in his lesson, I get them a big Hi-C too, to get some sugar in their blood.

Ya, even I'm questioning my parenting skills at this point, seeing the description on paper.  I wake them up in the middle of the night, get them high on sugar and take them to a violin lesson where there's a high likelihood of passing out.

It's not as terrible as it sounds.  Kinda like their violin playing.  Har har.  

1 comment:

laurel said...

So cute. I wish I could play the piano in such a relaxed position as Xanthe.