Sunday, November 1, 2015


Allow me to brag.  See this picture?  Ruby always has time for people.  Everyone is drawn to her because she gives off this calm, loving vibe.  She would have been a good hippie.  She looks unruffled on the outside, but on the inside, she's all Type-A.  She came out of this term with a 3.93 and she wasn't happy.  I told her she would graduate with high honors at this rate, and she replied, "Ugh.  Their standards are so low."  She's funny.  Like, super funny.  Everyone loves hanging out with her.  What nobody gets is how good of a friend Ruby is.  No matter how undeserving a person is, Ruby will always swallow her disappointment and take the high road.  I didn't even realize how many people she was giving rides to, and taking to lunch.  She just has a generous spirit.  The high road is steep, though, and it's tiring.  I wish she didn't have to take it all the time.  I wish she had better friends.  She does, actually.  She has loyal, true, fun friends who get how incredible she is.  They just don't live around here.  Nevertheless, I am deeply grateful for them because they really keep Ruby going.   Maybe one day those far away friends will be by her side when she does the humanitarian work that is her dream.  I'm looking forward to Ruby spending her compassion and generosity on people who deserve it.
This is midnight, doctoring up some new pointe shoes.  Scott couldn't understand why you would take new pointe shoes and cut them and sew them.  I know, it's couterintuitive.  But it works.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Amen! Rubes deserves the best. She is golden and we love her to pieces.