Saturday, November 21, 2015

Chinese, Real and Pretend :)

My Chinese class.  They were extraordinary.  I loved working with them so much.  Very professional 10-year-olds!

This might be the most precious picture of all time.  I love this little Sugarplum.

These are the women who have shaped my children.  My kids have spend hours and hours under thier watchful care.  I can't express how grateful I am for their strong influence in our lives, which can hardly be overstated, and how grateful I am to be one of them.
Cute sugarplums!

1 comment:

Lisa and Tate said...

We are going tonight!!!! Tate is over the moon. SO much fun that we know dancers in the production. We will look for a Dopp Mouse, Lady in Waiting, Snow and Waltz and Sugar Plum fairy! Tate cannot wait for her turn to be part of the Nutcracker!