Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Back to the Cabin

He's always sexy, he always matches the background and the occasion.

I have noticed that I've taken more pictures of the Europeans this summer than i have of my own kids. I'm always wanting to send pics to their parents because Scott and I loved receiving pictures of Golda and Ruby while they were in Europe. So here's a picture of Víctor and Sofía on a 4 wheeler. Also, my kids tode 4 wheelers. ;)
What I loved about this moment was that Marlene started telling us about Collin and how he had caught a fish the day before. She said that he really wanted to catch one, so she helped him, and finally did. He wanted to cook it, so Grandma said, "I cleaned it real good and he cooked it over the fire," or something. I actually got a little teary at how capable Marlene is, just at everything. How many people would just casually mention that their grandson wanted to catch and eat a fish, and so you just made that happen? Marlene has so many talents that she's completely comfortable with, it's unbelievable. I'm in awe.
Another one of Marlene's talents is art. She loves it, and has all kinds of supplies for the kids. Jackson was on a roll with his hand-lettered signs. (Maybe he's following after Lexie, with her lwttering business!) Aren't his signs cool?

Jackson captured the spirit of the cabin right here. This is destined to be a keepsake.
Araceli ans Sofía, two artisitc souls. We found out early on that Sofía was really good at art!
The kids soent hours looking for and hiding certain tocks. I never got a grasp of the rules, but it kept them busy.
We are always migrating out chairs around to find shade or sun, depending on the temp. You know you're relaxed when you can't even take the chair off your patootie to move!
Grandma and Grandpa set up a fish pond for the kids with all kinds of prizes. I tell you, these people know how to throw a party! The kids loved it!

Since it was hot, a polar bear challenge seemed like a good idea. I knew if I submerged in the icy river, I'd be cooled off for the rest of the day. Refreshing!
The teens
The cabin is the best place for a siesta.

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