Thursday, August 18, 2016

Ptolemy's Birthday Party

After a 12 hour drive home from California, during which the teens were exceptionally good sports, we got a good night's sleep and then had Ptolemy's birthday party! His birthday was the day before I got back. He partied with Scott and the other kids all weekend, so the friend party was the icing on the cake.

Summer kid parties are so easy. We dragged the slip n slide out of the garage and pulled out some 99 cent store pirate decor. It was on clearance, if you can believe it. And we had leftover cupcakes from Golda's farewell. The whole party cost like 75 cents, and the kids had a blast. Ptolemy is the most enthusiastic boy, and so fun to do things for. He is easy to please. Happy 7th birthday, dear boy.

Araceli and Sofia caught up with Kaysville friends.
Sister Dopp caught up with cousins at thw MTC! She saw Matthew, aka Elder Harkness, all the time at lunch, since they were both bound for Asian-language missions.
We all caught up with Nana...
While at home, everyone spent plenty of late nights on these couches.

Days at the pool
And Chloe arrived! We waited for too long to have her join us, but she had to finish up her law degree in Quebec before coming to see us. When she arrived, she was glad to be with a family instead of roommates, even if we are a little crazy. Right, Chloe? ;)
All the girls!
Would it be so wrong if summer lasted forever?

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