If our house were a city during the night, it would be New York. The city that never sleeps. Last night was an all-too-typical nocturnal parade of events that lasted from bedtime to sunrise.
8:30, and all 5 kids are tucked in.
8:33, Araceli creeps downstairs, claiming to be lonely. No problem, she does this or a variation of this every single night. We used to be stern with her and keep putting her to bed, just like Super Nanny says to do. Until we realized that two tired parents are no match for Araceli's iron will. She will fight to the death to win a battle, and I would rather watch Letterman. So now, when she snuggles up to us on the couch and says, "Can I sleep in YO bed," we say, "Well, since you're so sweet, OK. Love you." And she goes right to sleep, secure in the knowledge that she has won the battle.
8:55, Scott sneaks the big kids out of bed to watch American Idol.
10:15, Golda and Ruby are finally in bed. Xanthe has been asleep for awhile. I resist the urge to check on her, because she always wakes up when I go in her room. All the way up. Standing up and asking for a drink. She wakes up if I even peek at her. You would think sleeping in a room with 5 other babies and a nanny for her first year of life would make her a sound sleeper, but she wakes up at the slightest rustling of a blanket. And if tossing and turning were an Olympic sport, she would have a gold medal. When we first brought her home, she would contort her limber little body all over the crib for hours during the night. Tonight, I make the mistake of peeking in on her, and spend the next 10 minutes bringing her drinks and explaining how everyone else is asleep. "...Teetone apeep?...Doda apeep?..."
11:46, I am my bed with Ari, Scott is on the couch, and I hear someone sleepwalk into the pantry, thinking it's the bathroom. This happens all the time around here, so I leap out of bed in a preemptive strike against having to clean the pantry floor. Made it just in time! I should go back to bed, but I stay up reading for 45 minutes.
2:00, I develop this ridiculous cough and get up to get a drink. Scott is watching Sports Center. What??
3:57, Freestone crawls into my bed. I suggest that he goes back to bed in his own bed, and he says, "My bed is already made." Apparently, he's up for the day. I point out that it's still dark, and he goes back to sleep.
7:45 Not surprisingly, it's time to get up and everybody is sound alseep. Night time can be exhausting! I honestly haven't slept through the night since Golda was born, but I don't mind. I'm kindof a night owl anyway. All the movement during the night makes me feel like I'm not missing out on whatever is going on in New York or anywhere else. I have my own little Grand Central Station right here!
Circe I love that you have such a good attitude about everything. I am glad to hear that we aren't the only ones awake in the night! I do have to say that I value my sleep and I can't wait until my boys are teenagers and we can all sleep until 10:00.
You are such a good sport! Just goes to prove that mothers only need about 4 1/2 hours of cumulative sleep right? Okay, maybe not need, but can survive! May your afternoon have a nap in it!
I am not so good at the limited sleep thing. I guess I should try to make it a little more fun like you! I love the Doda apeep? I can just picture Xanthe saying it!
c did that nightime thing to me for about hmmm 7 years. It nearly killed me. On New Year's Eve, my family made me stay up to greet the New Year.. I wanted the New Year to greet my closed eyelids. They didn't let me go home... they were sorry. I don't know how you do that. I sleep or everyone pays.. everyone.. the bagger at the grocery store pays.. poor guy. I need atleast 7 hours or nobody likes me. :) You are my hero in so many ways. This is just one to add to my list. I hope the Taylor family is right and that one benefit of the teen years will be sleeping in.. but I have a feeling that it involves staying up late too.. :(
Xanthe is so cute. I think she just doesn't want to miss anything either.
Oh my gosh Circ, I think I would loose it. I so need my sleep. I am such a wuss that way. I can handle trauma, planning the most stressful event, or even 30 things to do in one day. But give me sleepless nights and I am a bear! Just ask my poor family. You are a trooper.
The story of my life. My mom just says get used to it and it will never end because when they finally get in high school you are always waiting up for them late and then getting them up at 6 a.m. or earlier. When they are finally in college and after 20 or so years of no sleep, your system is so messed up you still don't sleep. My mom reads lots of books with all her extra awake time. Maybe Jennie needs to give us a lesson before our system is too wacked out.
I have new respect for Ari and you!! And 2am Sports Center? No wonder Scott know everything about sports. One day I want to hang out at the Dopps all night and witness the true "nightlife" of Kaysville. I didn't know we had any! I LOVE your writing! Hilarious.
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