Thursday, January 31, 2008

Cuteness and Fiddles

So cute...and I don't mean the violins, although I think they are pretty. This fiddle picture tells a story...Ari sneaking food to her cousins in the TV room while I finished setting up 18 violins for pickup at 1:00 yesterday. Phew, just made it! The tulips inspired me. The swimsuits are inspiring, too. The kids are ready RIGHT NOW for our trip to the beach and Disneyland, which still seems far off when I look out the window. But there's fun to be had in winter, too. Araceli helped Collin and Free decorate plastic knives with markers, stickers, ribbons and puff balls. I don't know where she gets her inspiration, but she has loads of it. At the last SEP conference, her teacher let me know that Ari wasn't finishing her work because she was writing everything in bubble letters. Right on, Ari!
Tonight, I dropped off Ruby and Lexie at Arctic Circle all by themselves in their fancy attire. I was next door at the violin shop while they dined alone, relishing their independence. Since Golda was at ballet at the time, Lexie used her free ice cream coupon to get a cone for Golda. Wasn't that nice! Scott took the three girls to a movie to celebrate Lexie reaching double digits! Thanks to Coco today and Grandma and Grandpa yesterday, all the littles survived my absence. Thanks! Collin finally crashed before his head even hit the pillow tonight. We have had a fun-packed week, one that I wouldn't trade for anything!


love.boxes said...

Ari is so creative to think of that little project!

Michelle said...

Lots of happy faces, you are the most fun mom! I love the Artic Circle dinner!

Circe said...

Hello Dopp family! Just saw the spot on the beach where we played a couple of years ago! I love you guys! Take good care of Daddy! Love, Mama

Jennie said...

Circ and Scott,

Thanks so much for taking such great care of the kiddos. We can't thank you enough!