This is my super hero, Mr. Fabulous. Coco and Bill gave him this Halloween costume for Christmas, and he has to wear it ALL the time, unless he's wearing his new jammies Grandma and Grandpa gave him! He even saved the package, and he pores over the picture of the Fab 4, inventing things about each character and quizzing me on his fake stats and information. Tonight, he sauntered into the kitchen and demanded "some of the soft stuff." I don't know where the name originated, but apparently, the "soft stuff" is Pomegranate Sprite. At last he's not asking for the hard stuff! (Dr. Pepper?)
My big super hero, Scott, came home with another gadget that "can play movies." Whenever he buys an electronic device, (which, in his defense, is not very often) he always explains it as, "It can play movies." As if that's the one thing that I'll be able to grasp. (Not far from the truth, given my lack of tech savvy.) I admit, I don't get it. First, he spends years researching big screen TV's. The bigger, the better. Now he brings home a hand-held device and says, "You can watch movies on it." OR you could watch a movie on our big screen TV...
As far as hobbies go, bringing home things with tiny screens is pretty tame. Scott, please accept my apathy toward your hobby as wholehearted enthusiasm. :)
In the baby department, Xanthe got her very own doll this morning. She showed the doll all her toys and patted her head and laughed with her in the car. She called her "Izzy." Then Grandma came and took her away! :)
We have a brand-new niece, Lilah, who is beautiful and perfect. Congratulations, Jeremy and Jenny!
The baby formerly known as "The Fifelet" stopped by today to let us admire her. She is gorgeous! We love her and we're glad she's finally here!
And...there is another Mijatovic on the way! We got Zeljko and Jen's Christmas card today, and I just knew it would contain some news. Sure enough, Baby #2 is coming in June. We can't wait! We are so excited!!
The new year is bringing happy changes already!
Scott sounds a little like Brad...must run in the family.
Circe, thanks again for taking care of the "Izzy Doll" yesterday. I don't know what I would have done at work, if you weren't such a great backup plan.
Little c still loves super heros, detectives (Nancy D.) and witches (Samantha)... I keep telling her that she has amazing super powers too, but I don't think she believes me, but she does. For instance, she is the only person who takes photos of me that I like and she's my favorite painter (thanks to Circe's fabulous canvas idea.. you should blog about that.. every should R's red painting!) Congratulations to Zeljko and Jen! Sounds like they are well and happy and everyone else is doing well too! Scott's hobby is kinda funny, but I do kind of agree with him about the really small screen. I always tell C that I WILL watch Lord of the Rings, but only on his IPOD so I don't get too scared. :)
Yes Circ, thanks for helping with Izzy while I was in KY. I'm glad X enjoyed her. Please let us return the favor!
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