Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Keepers of Tradition

I can only think of one day out of the year when my calendar has just a single word on it. Lagoon. Every Memorial Day, we go to Lagoon with the Dopp family. No matter what, that's what we do, and that's the only thing we do. I think Marlene said the Lagoon tradition had been going on since the mid-1600's. Is that right? :) One year, there were no kids in the family, and someone thought it would be ridiculous for a bunch of adults to pay lots of money to sit around Lagoon and eat. So we went to a park instead. BIG mistake. Everyone is still bitter and angry about it, myself included. You just don't mess with tradition. Sometimes Mother Nature messes with tradition, though. One year we were hampered by a torrential downpour that forced the whole family to gather at our house for the day. It was the kind of rain where you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. But with all the picnic food and togetherness, it was still Lagoon Day.

So yesterday's drizzles were nothing compared to that ONE year. After a picnic chez Scott and Circe, where we waited out the worst of the rain, all the Dopps spent Memorial Day at Lagoon. The first ride we opted for was Odysea, where...you get wet. It was a little redundant.

But kids don't care if they're soaked to the core, sporting frozen, blue lips. The fact that their feet are shriveled, rotting things inside their wet socks does not prevent them from joyously jumping in puddles. It's heartening to see that neither childhood enthusiasm nor family tradition can be dampened by...dampness. Thanks, Bruce and Marlene, for giving us the gift of tradition, and making sure it's a gift we use. It's "just the right size, and just the right color!" We love you!


Elisa said...

Oh Lagoon. How we love thee... let us count the ways...

i still get all giddy when we drive into the parking lot. It has such great memories for me... and its a place that is oh.so.fun! I mean, people. Churros!

Besides, seeing Lagoon through the eyes of our kids?

Jennie said...

I know what you mean about the rotting toes. 3/4ths the way through the day, I finally took off Izzy's soaking wet socks to discover her chaffing, white, raisin toes. She thinks it was worth it though. She is still saying Goon - fun - again. :)

Circe said...

Hi-I was glad to get your comment-at first I was confused and thought I'd left myself a comment :) You have a cute family. I read your post about reading "The Host" and laughed VERY hard-that sounds like how I read books! Tell your mom HI for me also. CIRCE MCCLURE

Taylor Family said...

Circe I was wondering if I could hire you to write my blogs. You are a great writer. We had so much fun this year at Lagoon!

love.boxes said...

You are a great writer Circ and you never cease to amaze! Fun post!

Michelle said...

Yeah, I'm so glad when I'm not the invisible sibling we find the pictures of me where I most closely resemble Jabba the Hut.

Complete with blue lipped child who at 5 his already WAY too cool to wear a rain poncho.