Top Ten Reasons I Love Summer...
10. Blue skies, 75 degrees. Beach weather, even if the beach is 600 miles away.
9. The smell of fresh-cut grass and the sound of lawnmowers.
8. More time to play with friends.
7. Popsicle-stained faces and Cheeto-stained fingers.
6. Late nights outside, riding bikes until 9:00.
5. Swimming and reading by the pool into the evening.
4. Sunscreen...the smell of summer. Crickets...the sound of summer.
3. Buying fresh vegetables at the farmers' market and grilling every meal.
2. Lemonade stands, sprinklers and fireworks.
And the number one reason I love summer...IT'S HERE!!! For the next three months, I'll be wearing waterproof Birkenstocks, a swimsuit and my famous t-shirt cover-up. Every meal we eat that's not fresh fruit will be from the pizza place on the way home from the pool. We'll all stay up late and sleep in past 8. Our hair will smell like chlorine and sunlight. Our feet wil be calloused and our knees will be scraped. Our fingernails will be caked with dirt and our schoolbooks will be completely forgotten. Our front porch will be littered with wet towels and our back yard will be packed with friends. We'll make at least $1.25 selling Kool-Aid and spend at least $40.00 on Sno-cones. Our garden will grow and our motivation will shrink until it's all we can do to drag ourselves out of the sun to get another glass of mint-infused lemonade. You'll all be invited over to grill things and sit in the shade talking about summers past when we helped each other grow up and summers future, where we plan to travel together and what we'll do when we get there. We won't say, "Hurry!" and we won't say, "Run!" and we won't say, "Get your shoes on." We'll just watch each other turn ever more tow-headed and freckled, and we'll vow to remember the days of summer forever.
That's my plan. I had to write it down so I could reread it when my kids are sweaty, grumpy and too hopped up on Otter Pops to realize that fighting over the last lone Spiderman arm floatie isn't a winning proposition. Here's to summer!
Wait a minute.... I think you have an extra kid. I was like... Golda, Ruby,... wait, who is that? "E" perhaps. :) I love your posts. They exude happiness, optimism, and joy. I love it! Thanks for being my sista and my inspiration for a healthy and happy summer vacation. Let the fun begin.
I am so excited to have c to myself just a little. We opened all the windows last night and played Monopoly while listening to lawn mowers and smelling fresh cut grass. I sipped a diet coke and c splashed out and made herself a summer rootbeer float. It was so fun. I'm ready to do it again. I want to savor everyday because 12 weeks is going to fly by! Oh and c got her class assignment for next year and we already know she has 3 friends in her class .. so no stressing about that!
Thank goodness for summer! I love it as well. It brings a sense of freedom not available at other times. I loved the picture of behinds at the pool:) Happy Summer:)
Oh, I started reading "If you Lived Here" and can't put it down. Thanks for a great book loan!!
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