Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Head Babysitter Back on the Job

My Head Babysitter was out last week with bronchitis. It was mayhem. He's back in the game now, and I can finally get back to my lounging about. Isn't that what stay-at-home moms do all day? When you have a Head Babysitter like Jake, you do. All he has to say is "C'mon, guys! Let's go outside!" Those are the magic words that signal a block of time where I can actually get something accomplished. But watch out if Jake says, "C'mon, guys! Let's go get a popsicle!" Prepare for a stampede. At least I have time to clean up after the herd when Jake leads the charge back outside. Am I violating any child labor laws if I pay this kid in chicken nuggets? It's really a win-win. Jake's having fun, I'm happy and Wendy's is making a fortune.


Michelle said...

Does he hire out?!

love.boxes said...

Circ you were fabulous last night! I didn't ever see you off the count and what a fun number. I wonder if that hurt to be the table.. and did the lamp ever fall into the orchestra pit during practice.. since it doesn't look like she can see?!?! Amazing! I loved it!

Ruby and Golda were luminous! Who cares if you can't do the bar when you can dance like a perfect snowflake I say! And, Golda was wonderful in both parts, but she was actually in the most fun Jazz number I remember.. what cute costumes too! She looked so pretty in her space suit!

Michelle said...

Ah Circe, that is so cute, I will have to read it to Jake tonight. He was about out of his mind by the time he finally got to see the kids yesterday. Thank you so much for making him head babysitter, but mostly for making my little only child feel like "one of the family".

We love you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow...what a deal. Jake gets Wendy's Chicken Nuggets and you get a few moments of peace! Congratulations on your recital.

Michelle said...

I wanna see pics of the recital!

Jenny said...

When and if you are ever done with him, send him on over. I could use one of him!