Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gipsy Kings

I'm all for quality family time. More important for kids who come from families of seven, however, is one-on-one time. I've seen kids in family packs, my own included, being herded around Lagoon or the zoo, wearing glum faces that read, "My mom made me come." Not all family outings are that painful; most are really fun. But sometimes a child needs to get away from the herd and have an identity beyond "one of the Dopp kids."

Last night was Ruby's night. She and I left straight from ballet and drove up Parley's Canyon, out of the valley and away from our daily lives, to Deer Valley. Our destination was the Gipsy Kings concert. My favorite musicians, live in the mountains, with my little guitarist by my side to share my passion for flamenco-style guitar. The band was less gritty and organic than I remembered from last time, and more produced, but the crowd was amazing and Ruby's enthusiasm kept me from drowning in nostalgia, seeing the music through her eyes. Some of my best-loved songs were made entirely new by this experience.
By the end, Ruby was up, dancing and shouting for more songs. I have to say, Ruby looked beautiful in the alpenglow, with her freckles and luminous hair. The mountains make you notice the sublime, I guess. It was so renewing to spread our picnic out on a blanket and hang out with Ruby as if she were my one and only child. Every kid needs that attention, and Ruby took full advantage of it, talking to me about school and ballet and her guitar goals. After the concert, we stayed in Park City overnight at my parents' condo. I tucked Ruby in the big bed all by herself, and stayed up reading my book.

This morning we came down the canyon early to re-enter real life. Now, with Ruby at school with all the others, I have in my mind her point of view, her 4th grade perspective. All the things that are in her heart are present in my mind. The challenge and joy of having lots of little ones is seeing the world from so many perspectives simultaneously. Thanks, Ruby, for taking me back to the fourth grade. I love it there.


Michelle said...

You really are the most fun mom out there! You are right too. I often wonder how different my relationships with my kids would be it they were my only one. I managed to snag a little one on one time with the big ones before school started and you can just see them eat it up. Ruby will always remember that fun with her mom!

GChinn said...

Circe you rock. I love that you do these things with your kids. Great memories to look back on

Elisa said...

I love the Gypsy Kings! We have all their CD's! Lucky duck!

Jennie said...

What a fun night out for the two of you. It sounds like she loved it!

Anonymous said...

How in the world do you fit it all in and how lucky your children are to have you for their mother. Flamenco-style guitar in addition to everything else you do...amazing!

Sarah Barber-Bazail said...

Looks like you guys had fun! Ruby is going to be your little "Rock Star". I would love to Tag someone else but my friends haven't joined the blogging world yet! Sorry..........

Erin said...

That is just the sweetest story, Circe! I know Ruby will never forget, and I'm sure you won't eaither. You look so cute together!

Taylor Family said...

That sounds like so much fun. I bet Ruby thought she was pretty special to have a night out with just you.

Christian said...

Gipsy Kings in Park City? Now that's a nice way to finish the summer!