Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pop Culture

You know you've turned a corner towards disaster when the kids start saying, with popsicle juice oozing out of their mouths, "I'm ready for my next popsicle," instead of "Can I have another popsicle?"
It's come to kids sucking the juice out of unfrozen otter pops. We're on the verge of complete anarchy here. I hope all the things they say about red dye are untrue. I hope it makes kids really, really smart!


Melinda Lomax & Fam said...

Circe - I loved your post the other day about someday, and this one about the popcycles. You always make me stop and remember how grateful I am to be a mom. I just finished a fun book. Shannon Hale's "Austenland". I'm sure you've read it, but if not give it a try. (push through the slow parts, it is worth it in the end.) Melinda

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Otter Pops are a basic food group! It's great you just roll with it:) Xanthe is lucky to have you for a mom!

Michelle said...

Me too, that and corn syrup cause we are getting way more than our share of that too! Hey I forgot to tell you, I am reading Sister of my Heart and loving it. I read Austenland too, entertaining.

Michelle said...

Okay, so which of your friends reccomended Sister? I thought it was you! I know I got it from your blog, anyway just stayed up to finish it and I really liked it! It thought it was going to be somewhat predictable in the beginning but I ended up finding it very intriguing and just wonderful. And the end surprised me! She wrote Mistress of Spices too. It was a movie with Dylan McDermott. Sorry, babbling but it is fun to talk/blog books with friends. Anyhow, I just searched my library to see if there is a sequel to Sister, I want to know more about these characters! Happy reading, tellme what you think.

Sher said...

How did you get in my house, and why did you take a picture of my floor?
Ha! Seriously, I get this popcycle mess ALL the time!
Why do they have to make them so dern messy?

Taylor Family said...

I have thought about making the healthy kind of popcycles with fruit and yogurt but who has that kind of time in the summer. My kids think popcycles are a food group.