Thursday, June 11, 2009

Caveman Living

Last night was horrible. The stomach flu that all the other kids had for about five minutes, Golda has gotten a more violent case of it. But that's not the horrible part. Kids throwing up, no big deal if you have a bucket and a working washing machine. Unfortunately, Golda missed the bucket and threw up on the TV remote. Then came the nightmare: Watching So You Think You Can Dance without the ability to fast-forward the commercials!! We were lucky that Ruby figured out how to access the DVR menu and turn on the show, but we had to sit there like animals for two whole hours and WAIT through the commercials. It was exhausting. EXHAUSTING! By the end, we didn't even care anymore. Our eyes hurt from staring at too many muted commercials. Scott immediately got online and ordered a new remote, which won't be here for five days. That's five days of TV-free living, because I can't be subjected to that kind of primitive suffering again.

Those of you who don't have DVR, you leave me speechless. How can you spend a whole hour watching an hour-long drama, and watch it at the exact time the network wants you to? Especially if it's on at 7 PM. Who watches TV when the kids are up? That's just torture. Just like you have to have electricity and running water in this day and age, you must have the ability to skip commercials. It will change your life. Without the power of DVR, you're no different than the cavemen. They thought rubbing two sticks together was the ultimate invention. Do you think Fred Flintstone would have powered his car by running really fast if it had had an engine? You have got to get this technology.

Oh, and Golda is fine. Still throwing up, but at least she didn't have to sit through the show last night.


Paige said...

Hysterically true. My kids still don't get if we occasionally watch something "live" why we can't forward through the commercials. Couldn't she barf on something less useful like your cell phone?

Queen Elizabeth said...

Amen on the DVR!! Hope everybody gets better soon!

Jennie said...

Oh my! That is horror. Long live DVR. I hope G gets feeling better. That flu is NOT fun!

The homestead said...

We don't even watch TV unless it's recorded. It's just not worth it.

Michelle said...

I have an old T.V. in my room that's not connected to the DVR/Cable, so I'm pretty used to the commercials as even commercials aren't as painful as "Chowder" and "Flapjack" (two shows Jake seems to get but I find perplexing, that Chowder dude has a stink cloud as a pet).

But everytime Jake watches T.V. wiht me in the bedroom, he's genuinely perplexed as to why he can't rewind that part.

It's too bad too, because the dancing last night was fabulous, I couldn't bribe Jake to watch AI this year, and he tried to hold out on So You Think You Can Dance (it's uncool at 6 to like the same shows as mom) but he lasted 2 minutes. He love dancing. :)

Michelle said...

Only you could get me to laugh about barf! I think I am converted, could you please talk to William?

love.boxes said...

I need one of those things.. but my answer is PBS... except during fund raising season which is coming around more and more often these days!!! AAAHHH .. then I just turn it off.

Jenny said...

No DVR. No fast forward. Still alive! Now you know why our kids are in bed by 7 p.m!

laurel said...

I am sorry you are sick, but that is so dang funny!!! We feel that way about our remote too.