Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day Chili

 My grandfather Bill and my Uncle Rock started the Election Day Chili tradition...or was it their fathers? Each election day for the past seventy or so years - as long as my dad can remember - there has been conversation over a bowl of chili about how this election is more crucial than any preceding it, and how the country will go to hell if your man doesn't win, debate as hot as the chili about "who got us into this mess and who can get us out."  The candidates may change, but the rhetoric is always the same.  And so is the chili.

Stop by anytime, any year.  If it's election day, there will be chili at any King home you visit.


Anonymous said...

You have that right, and it is a great tradition probably to be carried on and on. Love it, and now even carried down to Miami by Sarah too, we will be in the thick of it about what is best and who is best...amidst chili and corn bread, so the "King" tradition has come clear to Florida. Florida where the voting is going to be controversial and already has in the Districts, confusion as usual at the Florida polls!..It is a great tradition, time for reminiscing and family gatherings whether in Utah or Florida. I remember when mother, Big Golda, and Aunt Salome, Bill's sister and Rock's wife, would be Judge of Elections way back when, the first I remember was probably before gradeschool. The chili would be cooked up and we would wait and wait till they came home, always feeling like they had completed their civic duty by serving, they were Judge of Elections forever and loved it. The waiting and counting would go way into the night and could only we find out about it by being at the Courthouse where the tallies were taken. Uncle Rock always cooked up a batch of oysters fried with saltine crackers. Such wonderful memories, can't go vote without thinking of those times. I am so glad we all have carried on the tradition, and we have the honor of voting in this great democracy..Your chili looks great!.Have fun!..Love, Tricia

jenn said...

that looks good! the chili that is...could you post the recipe?

The homestead said...

I thought of your chili today. I am planning on making my own batch tonight. It's a great tradition I want to start with my family. Next time include your recipe please.