Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Big, Handsome Chip

My dear little Ptolemy is so funny.  I would say he is cute, but I'm not allowed.  I'm only allowed to say he's a big, handsome boy named Chip.  Heaven help the innocent bystander who says "Cute little Ptolemy."  He's big, he's handsome, and his name is Chip!  And here are some of the funny things he says:

Yesterday he had a runny nose and got fed up with it, saying,  "Ugh!  Stuff is NOT supposed to come outta my nose!"

When we go to the zoo, half the reason we go is so that I can relax in the car with my hot cocoa and listen to NPR.  I love the drive.  Last week, we got in the car, I turned on Morning Edition and Ptolemy said,  "NPR is not invited to go to the zoo with us!"
He was watching Tziporah toddle around picking things up off the floor and putting them in her mouth.  He watched her for a minute and then said, "Where did we GET this baby anyway?"

We were watching a ballet recital DVD in the car and I said, "This is what YOU get to do next year!"  He squinted at the screen for a moment and then said, "Those are GWILL children!"  I finally convinced him that some of the children were boys.  Now, on each dance, he says quizzically, "Is that ME?!"

We try to visit Nana Ruby about once a week, but lately, Ptolemy has been whining every day to visit her.  He says, "We hafta visit Nana because she's my gwandpawent."  It's hard to say no to that, he asks with such urgency, and his urgency is so justified.  So it's off to visit Nana, Ptolemy's grandparent, again this morning.  Maybe Chip will let NPR come with us.


michelle said...

Love that kid! Hope he is feeling better today!

Catherine said...

such a fun, fun age and he's a man with a mind. :o) Shhh....he's cute!