Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Still True to My Inner Beach Bum

When I was young and not accountable to a husband, seven kids and a rigorous schedule, I always escaped to the beach the minute I had enough cash.  I spent two consecutive summers in Spain, where sandy stretches of the Mediterranean consumed weeks of my time.

This picture was taken by my 14-year-old daughter on a recent trip to Miami for her fourteenth birthday, accompanied by Mom (me) and Baby Sister.  My husband and I surprised her with the trip, whisking her off to the airport, only to have our flight cancelled by freezing rain.  In fact, that Band-aid on my elbow was a result of the wintery conditions we were trying to escape!

When we finally sunk our toes into the hot sand, something warm and essential was restored to our souls.  My birthday daughter felt it. Even the baby felt it.  She ate big fistfuls of sand, gleefully gumming the gritty mess.  I didn't care.  A beach bum does not fret if her baby eats sand.  A beach bum turns her face to the sun, knowing that, unlike the grains of sand we let fall from our thawing fingers after a long, snowy winter, our beach days are finite.  Each one is to be savored, even if that means literally savoring the sand.


Nate said...

Ohhhhhhh. That looks like heaven.

Anonymous said...

How did I miss this blog and cute picture of you and Tziporah!. You are right, there is nothing like the beach, the wind from the ocean and the sounds of the waves and the mist and sun at the same time on your face. Just to hear the waves rejuvenates your soul. So glad you girls were able to come, miss you!..looking out at the ocean now, I will send some vibs to you! xo Tricia
P.S. Come again, anytime!!!!!

Sonja said...

I grew up on the beach too, and there's nothing like the sun and sea even now to restore my energy and gratitude.