Monday, March 18, 2013

He's Back!!

Scott left last Thursday with his dad and brothers for a boys' weekend getaway in Las Vegas.  Their plans centered around March Madness.  Lots of basketball games and buffets.  Aside from the delicious and bountiful food and the 80 degree weather, I was more than happy to stay home and send them off to do their manly bonding.

The rest of us had a productive yet relaxing few days, but what I discovered while Scott was gone was that there is no way I could live like I do without this guy.  Seven kids definitely require two parents, or at the very least, one tireless parent with lots of outside help.  Friday night, we had two things at the same time in different parts of Salt Lake.  I had to not only get Bill to take Ruby to guitar, but also take lots of extra kids to Golda's flute thing.  It worked out well for Ruby because there is a French bakery that Bill loves, right down the street from guitar.

Saturday, we had to give up some things the kids wanted to do because there just weren't enough parents, with me teaching and Scott sitting by a tropical-looking pool in Vegas, recovering from the previous night's buffets.  (At least he wasn't recovering from anything more scurrilous than an overdose of creme brulees!)

Sunday, Araceli was seen changing Tziporah's diaper in the parking lot while Golda and I played a musical number in Sacrament meeting.  Then the Primary kids were treated to Tizzy's presence during my singing time gig because where else was she going to go?  She was very well-behaved.

I have to admit, I enjoy having Scott gone for a few days.  I stayed up way past my bedtime reading and didn't have to worry about another person cramping my style or bossing me around.  Lol.  You all know I'm kidding.  By the time Sunday afternoon rolled around, I had finished my book and was tired of my freedom.  Plus, there was a big heap of clean laundry on the bed, and Scott usually takes care of that.

When Scott walked in with his arms loaded down with happy flower bouquets, I was as excited as a teen-ager to see my crush walk through the door in his green pants and jaunty hat.  He's quite a guy.  His brothers teased him mercilessly all weekend, but I think they secretly love his quirks and, let's be honest, are extremely jealous of his fashion sense.  Right, guys?


The homestead said...

So glad you all had a great weekend!

jenn said...

Lets be honest we are all jealous of Scott's fassion sense...especially Zeljko!

Jennie said...

I know what you mean. Collin had to give up a b-day party on Saturday. I explained to the mom that he just didn't have enough parents. :) Thanks for letting the kids crash on Saturday!!!

Shane and Kenzie said...

I love how Scott treats his ladies! It is so cute. And yes, I think the guys are jealous of his attire.

Nate said...

You too are great parents! And we agree that it does take at least two and most of the time it would be great to have four parents!

Ryan said...

It is true... Only Scott can rock a fedora and green pants like he does. His style is... well... his. He owns it, and it is great. It cracked me up to walk into the room and see Clint, Jeff and someone who looked like Mr. Rogers with green pants. I admire his style so much, I have tried to emulate it at times... I always just realize that I am really more of a shorts, hoodie, and baseball cap kind of guy...

Ryan said...

No one can rock a pair of green pants, grandpa sweater and fedora like Scott. I love it... I also love giving him crap about it.

laurel said...

Glad he is home. when my hubby travels which is often, I miss the help and I only have 4 kids. But, hey, mine doesn't bring flowers.