Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Eve Revelry

 Christmas Eve Day started out with a flurry of wrapping,
 room readying,
 and going for walks
And then we were suddenly at Grandma and Grandpa's and Christmas had begun.  There was no stopping it now!  Not until it was all over.

 MArlene, Richelle, Scott and Nikki
 Collin, Tanner, Cade, Britton and Freestone taking care of some very serious business.  Moms could never understand!
 Kayla, Xanthe and Ari
 Neeley and Ari have been working on a binder for Grandma and Grandpa for years.  Today was the big reveal!
 Scott and Jeremy.  I have to label these pictures;  the boys look more and more alike every year!
 Nikki and Clint
 Jennie, Collin and Ryan
 Jeff and Richelle

 Jenny and Jeremy
 The "before" picture.
 Bruce and Marlene played a game with the kids where they passed presents around.

 Then we had a visit from a man Jenny named "Clinterklaus."  I'm still laughing so hard!


 Grandma and Grandpa give each of these crazy kids new pajamas, an outfit and a couple of toys.  Can you imagine keeping track of all that?  They do.  It's miraculous!  Actually, it's not a miracle.  It's just a lot of hard work and dedication.  We are in awe!

 After a wonderful dinner and day spent with the Dopps, we capped it off with the traditional Luke 2 at Kings'.
 I don't think Bill was as mad as he looks about the butter cookies, although he had to give Scott a hard time for wanting to keep them instead of giving them away to someone at the office.

 During Bill's Bible reading, right where he said, "And on earth peace, goodwill toward men..," Tziporah got up on a stool and started shouting, "Nooooo!  Noooo!  NOOOOO!"  She is vehemently opposed to peace on earth and goodwill toward men.  In fact, she was opposed to pretty much everything at that point, so we called it a night.  We didn't want to miss Santa's visit!

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