Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Day, The Best Yet

 Golda was the first one up on Christmas Day.  Can you believe it?  She sneaked downstairs in the middle of the night and "slept" on a beanbag in Ruby's room until neither of them could take it anymore and woke up all the kids.  It was 6:00 when they all filed into our room, which was a relief because Scott and I couldn't sleep either!
 Looks like Ptolemy wanted to get a jump on the presents!
 Xanthe did get the "shiny new bike" she asked for, but she kept saying, "Cheese-Its!  Cheese-Its!  Santa really did bring me Cheese-Its!"  Santa Claus is always listening to our kids.  He knows them, and he always comes through for them.  I am amazed at what he is able to accomplish.  Every year, I say it's the best Christmas ever, but this year, it's really true.  Santa Claus, thank you!
 Ari was thrilled about her cello case!
 And Ruby finally got a good phone!  Other than that, I sure did a pitiful job of taking pictures.  Just imagine a bunch of very happy kids in brand-new pajamas.  Amid all the excitement, Ari and Golda found a present for them.  They opened it and discovered a screwdriver.  We postulated that it might be to open a door, so we all went downstairs...and tried the door on the unfinished bathroom.
 Santa and his elves had finished it!!

 Santa must not be an electrician, because he couldn't get the light fixture to work.  He said we would have to have some additional work done.  But Ari and Golda loved all the French details of the bathroom.  They moved in and organized their things right away.

And there was another surprise waiting just steps away from us.  Somehow, while the kids were opening their presents upstairs, unbeknownst to us, Santa dropped off a little dog in Freestone's room.  For some reason, Ptolemy suggested we go in Freestone's room and "see if there are any presents in there."  Seriously, he must be psychic.  We went in and there, in the doggiest dog-themed room in the world, there was a big basket.  And inside the basket was A REAL LIVE DOG!!!  You should have seen everyone's faces blanch, then light up.  Freestone's eyes got all big, them he burst into tears and ran away.  And you all know the rest of the story.  

 Don Carlos was there for the rest of the day, watching us play with our toys...

 Ptolemy and Freestone both got new violins, which were understandably completely overshadowed by all the other exciting things going on.  But Ptolemy is excited because, when Ruby is teaching, he isn't allowed in her studio.  She told him that if Santa brought him a violin, she would be his teacher and nobody else would be allowed to come in.  She said, "I'll tell everyone, 'I'm sorry, you can't come in, I'm teaching Ptolemy right now.'"  You should have seen his whole face just light up!

 Golda wrote Scott a long letter of gratitude and remembrance.  He was bawling before he even opened the envelope!  It was a keepsake that Scott will always treasure.  It's crazy to think how many years of Christmas memories Golda has under her belt.  This in her second-to-last as a true kid living truly under our roof, even if she doesn't go away to college.  Scott and I are savoring every minute.
 Freestone in shock as much as Don Carlos

 All the King cousins on the steps at Coco and Bill's, waiting for Bill to blow the Christmas whistle.  Coco had piles of presents ready for the onslaught, and Bill waited peacefully with his stack of Christmas cash, tucked in envelopes labeled with the names of all his favorite people.  Thanks, Mom and Dad.  You are amazing!  Every year, it seems like we have a conversation that goes something like:  "So, are the siblings giving gifts to each other, or..."

And that's the extent of the conversation.  So it's always interesting!  This year, Trajan pulled out all the stops and got all of us emergency preparedness backpacks, stocked with all the supplies a family of four needs to survive outside for four days.  So, in case of emergency, we'll either have to only survive two days, or eat some of our kids.  Just kiddin'.  I'm sure the home teachers would step in before that became necessary. :)  They'd be meatier, anyway.

But I seriously digress...


 "Can I open it?"

 Josh and Emily


 When we got back from Coco and Bill's, Golda did makeovers on all the girls.  I knew Araceli was beautiful, but look at her!!  She is growing up into such a beautiful young woman.  I am proud of her.

 Even Xanthe looks old, and so beautiful!  Look at those eyes!
Grandma and Grandpa and Ryan and Jennie came to visit us, then we crunched our way through the snow again to have dinner at Coco and Bill's.  By this time, we were definitely winding down, but none of us wanted this magical Christmas to end.


Ernstfamilyfun said...

How fun! Your girls do look so beautiful!

Jennie said...

So glad you guys had a wonderful Christmas. Don C. Is precious!

laurel said...

Dang! Love the bathroom...... Awesome. What a great day.