Wednesday, December 4, 2013

You Know Those Little Umbrellas?

 Xanthe came running to me yesterday morning breathless, saying, "Mom!  Mom!  Elfie didn't move last night!  He just stayed on my tree!"  Oh, groan, the Christmas Elf who moved to a new spot every night last year.  The generic version of Elf on a Shelf.  I told Xanthe, "You know, I think Elfie is just going to stay there this year.  He's...tired."
Coincidentally, I'm a little tired myself.  I still like Christmas, I just don't have the gumption to do much about it.  Our Christmas tree is on the back porch because when we went to set it up, instead of visions of sugarplums, I had visions of broken ornaments, courtesy of Tziporah, and assorted non-Christmas items being chucked into the branches in an attempt to clean the house, courtesy of me.  Combine that with the gaudy treasures the kids hang on the tree and the redecorating that Tziporah is wont to do, and you have a 12-foot mess taking up space.  How's that for bah humbug?  My solution was to place a solid surface between us and the tree, where we can still see the lights.  I love it.  It's my best idea ever.

My worst idea ever was the conversation I had with Xanthe as she was going to bed last night.  She looked balefully at Elfie, still inanimate as ever in the branches of the Christmas tree at the foot of her bed.  She asked, "Why is he so tired?"  I said, "Oh, I don't know.  He probably had a summer gig or something that wore him out."
"What's a summer gig?"
"Oh, like playing in a band or serving drinks at a bar in the Bahamas or something."
"What's the Bahamas?"

So I went on to create this whole back story about why Elfie was so worn out from his summer gig as a bartender in the Bahamas, and how he just needs to rest for awhile because helping Santa is going to be really tough this year, and how next year, he'll probably just stay at the North Pole over the summer and make a few toys instead of getting a summer gig.  What I didn't tell Xanthe, because she's too young to understand, is that Elfie developed a drinking problem over the summer, mixing all those cocktails, and ended up in jail for stealing a whole case of those tiny umbrellas and using them to make Elf vignettes, where the elves look like they're doing funny things.  Only in this instance, they really were doing funny things, because - dare I say it - they were all drunk.

So Elfie is spending this year in rehab, and that's why he isn't playing pranks at our house.  He barely has the strength to crawl back to Xanthe's tree each night after his EA meetings. (Elfoholics Anonymous)  If he stays on the wagon and off the old egg nog, he'll be back to his usual self next Christmas, I hope.

Otherwise, I'll have to fabricate another story, with a built-in FAKE LIE I skillfully omit when telling the story to children, to spare them the sordid FAKE details of their beloved Elfie's life.

No wonder I'm so tired.  I think I'm doing Christmas all wrong.


Julie C. said...

That is classic. I like your version of the "elf", better than any other I could hear this Christmas. My kids have asked many times this year and last, why we don't have an elf. I can barely remember the tooth fairy on rare occasions. Now I am expected to keep an elf moving night after night and into mischief too? No thanks - why do we keep adding more to our lives that doesn't matter? Hey, I have an idea, I am the elf, aka your mother, and I will watch you to see if you are behaving in a way that deserves rewarding or not.
Thanks for the good laugh - let me know if the elf needs a sponsor?

Jennie said...

So funny! I have mixed emotions about the elf thing, but I'm too tired to type it all out. It is a love / hate thing for me. :( Maybe I'm worn out from my summer gig too. Thanks for the laugh today!

Ernstfamilyfun said...

LOL. I just tell my kids if they argue with each other the elf doesn't move. So if I forget- I just say, "someone must have gotten in a fight yesterday. You'll have to try and be extra nice today!"

michelle said...

But you do it with more imagination than anyone I know!

Anonymous said...

Sooooo cute and funny! Here I am at 6 a.m., laughing out loud, you have such an imagination and write with such ease. So enjoyable, you really need to get started on that 1000 page novel! But, then who would do these great blogs! You could combine all your blogs into a book, bet it would sell! Thanks for starting my day off with a smile and a laugh! xo Tricia

Marilyn said...

Circe--thanks for the good laugh. You are great. We got your card yesterday and loved it. We love you and your family.

Unknown said...


The homestead said...

We have en elf and I hate the thing but I have enlisted Isaac and Adaline to help the elf move every night. It's so much easier that way. Love your Christmas tree!

Jen said...

I adore reading your blog. Your writing is so good! And I laughed out loud the entire time I read this post!