Sunday, February 22, 2015

Araceli's Sacrament Meeting Talk

D&C 42:42  -  Thou shalt not be idle; for he that is idle shall not eat the bread nor wear the garments of the laborer
In this scripture, idle means lazy. So, that’s what I’m going to talk about. Being lazy… Or unlazy

A favorite quote of mine goes like this:  “Good things come to those who wait, but great things come to those who DON’T!”
How I interpret this quote is that if you are lazy, you will probably be fine.  The world will probably go on. On the other hand, if you are not lazy, and you make yourself known, and do great things, great things will come to you. So, don’t be lazy, get out there!

Yesterday, instead of being idle, or lazy, I went to an assisted living center where my great grandma, Nana Ruby, lives. I have noticed when I visit Nana that there are activities going on all day, and I thought the care center could use some help, so I sometimes volunteer my time.  I know that some of Nana’s friends at the care center have a hard time getting around, and also they like to have someone to talk to and visit with.  When I got there yesterday, everyone was having lunch. Everyone had someone sitting by them. except for this kind lady. It turned out her name was Val. She looked lonely.  I volunteered to sit by her and feed her, because she couldn’t feed herself. Although she was a stranger when I first saw her, I took the chance to make myself known. In exchange for doing something good, I got something great in return. I got the satisfaction of knowing that I did something to help someone. I also know that I want to go back and help more, and soon!  I feel like I traded in an hour of my life for a new friendship.  That’s an hour I could have wasted, but instead, it’s an hour I feel good about.

Now I understand a little better why Heavenly Father counselled us to “be not idle.”  Each hour, each day he gives us on this earth is for us to learn.  Heavenly Father wants us to understand that our time here on earth is precious.  A big part of our responsibility here on earth is to learn love.  Love for our families, our friends, our neighbors and even our enemies.  Love for humankind, for our Savior and our Heavenly Father.  Learning to love is a big responsibility, and it takes a lifetime.  We can’t accomplish all that if we refuse to do the work that love requires.  

And by that, I mean to SERVE.  Because what better way is there to learn to love than to serve?  Before I spent an hour feeding Nana’s friend Val, I didn’t even know her.  Now I have love in my heart for her, and it’s only because I remembered the scripture, “Be not idle,” and I put my own lazy desires aside and turned a little time over to Heavenly Father.  Next time I go visit Nana, I’ll also visit Val, and so my life has been enriched.  As I grow, I hope I can learn to turn more time over to Heavenly Father, so that I can grow closer to him through loving and serving those around me.  I hope we can all use the gift of time to strengthen ourselves and others.  I am thankful that Heavenly Father has such a perfect plan for us.  I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen


Anonymous said...

Awesome talk, that's pretty much what it's all about-- way to go Ari!! I will be sharing this with my kids, thanks!!

michelle said...

So beautiful! Well done Ari!

Cricket said...

I love her heart. What a wonderful experience! I think our elders have so much knowledge and can pass on so much. I think we forget that they were young, silly, wild, in love, had trials and a life before they became older. Heck, I think I used to have a wild, silly crazy life before I got older.

Ari is such a lovely young lady, as are all your girls. They are great examples to others and really just kind ladies.

Mark said...

That was an incredible talk Ari! Those are words we all need to hear and remember each day. I appreciate your example.

Ernstfamilyfun said...

Awesome talk Araceli! I loved reading it!

sws said...

perfect Ari....a doer, not just a hearer.