Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Ah. Sunday

Ah, Sundays!  I love them.  This last one was especially peaceful, as Scott took the 8-and-older kids to the 9 am session of the Provo Temple dedication.  I took the opportunity to dye Easter eggs with the two kids who were too young for the temple thing.  We had a relaxed, peaceful time, such that is impossible when there are 7 kids dyeing eggs.  Two kids is such a reasonable number.

Later, a long meal at my parents', then I went to the dedication with my dad.  I love my parents' kitchen.  It's gone through many iterations since I was little, and I love each one of them because of the love that's felt there, and the good times we always share.
Rapper Don Carlos with his bling and Freestone looking handsome.  Freestone really gets more handsome every day.
Evening at the school with everyone else in the neighborhood.  Everyone, I mean everyone was outside to enjoy our first 70 degree day.  Of course, it snowed the next day, which is just fine.  We have enough Sunday mojo to get us through winter's last desperate throes.
Coco thought Tizzy was cute sitting like this.

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