Sunday, March 20, 2016

South Asian Market

Golda got a taste of what her future holds when she was invited to Xanthe's Chinese playgroup.  Their activity this month was going to a big Asian market in Salt Lake and taking a tour.  Two of the immersion teachers from Heritage Elementary showed us around.  One led the immersion girls in Chinese and the other led the English-language tour.  What a great night!

We started at the Greys' house for bubble tea before driving 3 carloads of the cutest, rowdiest girls you've ever met, to the grocery.  Golda's enthusiasm for Hong Kong wasn't even slightly tarnished by pig's blood, chicken feet or live sea cucumbers.  On the contrary, it was almost surreal to peruse the aisles of exotic foods and imagine Golda becoming accustomed to them.  In two years, she'll be back here, wandering the aisles of the Asian market with longing, reminiscing about her mission and the good old days of fruits and vegetable that don't have names in English, frozen balls that magically turn into food in a hot pot, and sea creatures that squirm on your plate.

There is noplace in the world like Hong Kong, with its unique history and confluence of cultures.  Golda's eyes are about to be opened as wide as the fishes' in the market tanks.

Faith, Ellie, Shaoli, Hazel, Emi, Xanthe, Emi Grey, KaiLi and Claire.

Chinese must be much more poetic than English, judging by the translations.  Anyone for a big plate of cold cloud ear?  How about seconds of Cold you cannot?

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